i+D - March/April 2019 - 26






1. Cara Gibbs, Talking Shop
"I'm always excited to peruse a designer's own
retail space-I think, like a showhouse often proves
to be, a retail outpost can be a true example of
the designer's unbridled creative perspective," says
Cara. Fortunately, she was able to expand that
experience when writing her article on designers
as retailers (p. 44) and will "give my feet lots of
love and care ahead of time" as she prepares for a
season of upcoming retail-like venues: trade shows.
As a consumer, though, she believes each retail
environment plays a leading role in her overall
experience. "At the end of the day, I think we're
all intrigued by the lifestyle we're being shown and
how it could parlay into our own," she declares.
What Cara really loved about her assignment was
"how forthcoming each designer was with the trials
and tribulations that hit them as they embarked
upon the vulnerable position of opening their own
retail locations. They gave honest commentary
on the process and it was a pleasure to work with
each of them."
2. Brian Libby, A Growing Opportunity
In addition to working on a book, called In Search
of Portland, which chronicles the architectural and
arts/culture history in his Oregon hometown, Brian
found the design backdrop of cannabis dispensaries
in his article, "A Growing Opportunity" (p. 36),
particularly interesting due to the variety
of customers. "Even within this specific type of
retail, some dispensaries are patronized by medical
caregivers, while others cater to recreational
users. Knowing your audience is key to designing
for them," he shares. When he visits other retail
venues, Brian finds "it's more of a science: Designers
and clients study customer behavior patterns to learn
how to put the product in the best possible light


(figuratively and literally speaking). As a customer,
what's most important to me is a streamlined
process that has me waiting in line as little
as possible."
3. Jessica Goldbogen Harlan, What's in a Name?
When Jessica was researching her assignment on
licensing (p. 22), she was surprised to discover
the similarities between the topic and her own
publishing experience as a cookbook author.
"There are so many parallels, from the importance
of having a unique idea or perspective to the need
to build your brand by not just stopping at one
license (or book) and, instead, signing multiple
agreements. When I see licensed products, I have
often wondered how involved the licensors are in
the design of the products that bear their names.
As one of them told me, 'my name is all I've got,'
so, of course, she was going to ensure that the
products are a good reflection of her brand." With
respect to retail experiences, what most appeals
to Jessica in their design, as well as her customer
viewpoint? She replies, "My favorite type of
stores are ones that have a comfortable, inviting
atmosphere and offer a wide range of merchandise,
from affordable items like fancy soaps or little
dishes on up. When I visit a store I love, even if
I'm not in the market for a big-ticket item like
a sofa, ...I want to be able to browse and then leave
with a little piece of that world."
4. Ambrose Clancy, ICONic Profile: Steven Clem
Once again, Ambrose's latest installment of the
"ICONic Profile" series (p. 42) provides an upclose-and-personal look at its subject. "Steve [Clem]
has a laconic, soft style of conversation, which is a
perfect counterpart to his passion and commitment
to his beliefs, and makes those virtues important

i+D - March/April 2019


and engaging," says Ambrose. "I liked his idea
that informality in commercial spaces can only go
so far, and the world won't be a better place with
'coffee bars everywhere.'" Ambrose's experience
with retail outings is something to which we all can
relate. "What's most important to me as a retail
customer is to be treated respectfully and cordially,
rather than as a person who has asked a foolish
question or is interrupting a conversation between
two sales people discussing where they're going
for drinks after work," he states. And, although
his latest (grudging) retail venture is to find a new
car, Ambrose is happy that all forms of bricks-andmortar stores continue to exist. "No matter the
design, despite the scorched earth strategy of online
marketing-making it sound like paradise is
never having to leave your couch-I'm especially
happy seeing venerable independent bookstores
holding the line and hanging on, with new ones
springing up."
5. Jesse Bratter, The (New) Retail Experience
"The focus of my article, 'The (New) Retail
Experience' (p. 30), is what I look for most in a
retail store as a customer: experiential shopping,"
says Jesse. "Retail therapy is a real thing if you ask
me and, when I enter a store, I'm looking for it to
be an escape. I'm looking to make discoveries and
to connect to the stories behind the goods in that
shop." She was intrigued by the notion that retail
design should dive deeper than aesthetics alone
to embody the entire essence of a brand. "What
John Bricker of Gensler said really resonated with
me, she adds: 'Humans, because of their digital
life, need a place be alongside others, together or
alone-a place to touch, taste, and smell. It's a great
time for a brand to be that connector.'"

Image 1: Patrick Cline/Image 2: Valarie Smith/Image 3: Erin Brauer/Image 4: Kirk Condyles/Image 5: Charles Dundee-Shaw

Retail is a part of everyday life, so it's appropriate that i+D should focus an issue
on the topic and its influence on both interior designers and consumers. Our
authors in this edition also offer up their own retail perspectives and experiences,
as well as the insight they gained when researching their March/April articles,
in the following close-ups.


i+D - March/April 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of i+D - March/April 2019

i+D - March/April 2019 - Cover1
i+D - March/April 2019 - Cover2
i+D - March/April 2019 - 3
i+D - March/April 2019 - 4
i+D - March/April 2019 - 5
i+D - March/April 2019 - 6
i+D - March/April 2019 - 7
i+D - March/April 2019 - 8
i+D - March/April 2019 - 9
i+D - March/April 2019 - Contents
i+D - March/April 2019 - 11
i+D - March/April 2019 - 12
i+D - March/April 2019 - 13
i+D - March/April 2019 - 14
i+D - March/April 2019 - 15
i+D - March/April 2019 - 16
i+D - March/April 2019 - 17
i+D - March/April 2019 - 18
i+D - March/April 2019 - 19
i+D - March/April 2019 - 20
i+D - March/April 2019 - 21
i+D - March/April 2019 - 22
i+D - March/April 2019 - 23
i+D - March/April 2019 - 24
i+D - March/April 2019 - 25
i+D - March/April 2019 - 26
i+D - March/April 2019 - 27
i+D - March/April 2019 - 28
i+D - March/April 2019 - 29
i+D - March/April 2019 - 30
i+D - March/April 2019 - 31
i+D - March/April 2019 - 32
i+D - March/April 2019 - 33
i+D - March/April 2019 - 34
i+D - March/April 2019 - 35
i+D - March/April 2019 - 36
i+D - March/April 2019 - 37
i+D - March/April 2019 - 38
i+D - March/April 2019 - 39
i+D - March/April 2019 - 40
i+D - March/April 2019 - 41
i+D - March/April 2019 - 42
i+D - March/April 2019 - 43
i+D - March/April 2019 - 44
i+D - March/April 2019 - 45
i+D - March/April 2019 - 46
i+D - March/April 2019 - 47
i+D - March/April 2019 - 48
i+D - March/April 2019 - 49
i+D - March/April 2019 - 50
i+D - March/April 2019 - Cover3
i+D - March/April 2019 - Cover4