i+D - January/February 2020 - 25





1. Cara Gibbs, The Making of a Movement
By her own admission, Cara is "quality-obsessed"
and "big picture-minded," and she lives by the
notion that "you should always do the right thing
the first time." She says, "I thrive working in team
environments and championing my colleagues through
all creative pursuits. I'm definitely a two-heads-arebetter-than-one kind of person." A co-founder of the
maker-minded marketplace, In The Pursuit, Cara
defines its intent as to "give a narrative to bespoke
makers and brands that is realized through an online
shop, virtual magazine, and thoughtful pop-up
collectives." All of which made her the perfect writer
for "The Making of a Movement" (p. 42), which
examines historic design movements and the reasons
certain styles prevailed at certain times. When asked to
reflect on a personal experience centered around this
issue's focus on politics and design, Cara cites a recent
visit to the National Museum of African American
History and Culture in Washington, D.C. "The
exterior is nothing short of extraordinary," she says.
"This is a must-see museum."
2. Brian Libby, Political Designs
As his photo suggests, Brian is about to start
recording the second season of his podcast, "In
Search of Portland," while also working on a book
manuscript of the same name. Fortunately, he
wasn't too busy to pen a well-rounded examination
of political projects in this issue (p. 26). He explains
that his favorite project to learn and write about
was the design of Ottawa, Ontario's temporary
House of Commons in what had been a courtyard,
while the traditional one is being refurbished.
Concerning other government buildings, one of
Brian's most vivid memories is a four-months-long
internship in the U.S. House of Representatives in
the 1990s. "I may have been the lowest on the totem
pole, but it was a heck of a place to come to work!"

he recalls. As with his chosen profession, Brian holds
himself (as well as others) to the highest standard:
"In journalism," he says, "maintaining ethics and
integrity is huge because it's what separates the
professionals from the amateurs. In today's world,
that matters more than ever."
3. Robert Nieminen, Sticky Situations
"With respect to his article on politics and ethics
in daily design practice (p. 18), Robert says,
"I don't think of design as a field that is riddled
with ethical challenges, so I was particularly struck
by the real-life examples of ethical dilemmas my
sources faced in their design practices and how they
handled them. In both cases, it was obvious that
integrity and ethical behavior are critical because
they're not just personal; they can impact lives
and communities for better or worse-and it was
inspiring to hear how these designers wielded their
convictions for good." Presently, Robert
also is involved in researching how culture will
impact the future of the design professional for
ASID's upcoming 2020 Outlook and State of
Interior Design report. Of particular note, he
finds it compelling how technology has broadened
society's exposure to culture, thereby providing
access to diverse ways of looking at the world
and "how design can bring so many perspectives
together into a cohesive sense of place."
3. Brian J. Barth, License to Practice
A fan of some of his province's stunning government
buildings, Brian considers the Parliament buildings
in Ottawa, Ontario, "an under-rated piece
of architecture." He says, "They feel like part of a
17th century European capitol." When researching
and conducting interviews for his article on the
topic of design legislation and advocacy (p. 34),
Brian reveals, "I had no idea the laws governing

i+D - January/February 2020


interior design were so complicated-or so hotly
contested! I was relieved to know [what] advocacy
groups like ASID are doing to ensure a fair business
environment for practitioners, as well as public
safety in the spaces they design." On a more
personal note, Brian enthuses that he just returned
from a trip to Cumberland Island, off the coast of
Georgia, "where wild horses roam amongst ancient
oaks draped in Spanish moss. I stayed at an early
19th century inn run by descendants of the
Carnegie family-they owned most of the island
before donating it to the National Park Service."
4. Ambrose Clancy,
ICONic Profile: Deborah Lloyd Forrest
For i+D, Ambrose always unveils fascinating
particulars about each professional highlighted in
the "ICONic Profile" series. In this issue, he asserts,
"Deborah Lloyd Forrest [of ForrestPerkins (p. 40)]
is a fascinating woman, who is an intellectual
of the best kind-warm, engaging, and without
pretensions." In addition to his work for i+D,
Ambrose has served as a reporter for a variety
of newspapers, including his current stint as
editor of the Shelter Island Reporter, a weekly
newspaper that's highly acclaimed by the New York
Press Association. Not surprisingly, ethics is
an ever-present topic of interest in the subjects
featured in each edition, as well as in the newsroom
environment. Ambrose received some sage advice
from one of his early mentors: "There are only two
rules: Hit your deadlines, and don't make stuff up,"
he remembers. "I found out there are more than
two rules, but the not-making-stuff-up directive
covers a basis for ethics in the profession. If you
start from there, you'll be okay."


Image 1: Patrick Cline/Image 2: Grace Kook Anderson/Image 3: Robert Nieminen/Image 4: Christine Nobel/Image 5: Kirk Condyles

In an appropriate political nod to 2020, the year's first issue of i+D spotlights
ethics, the design of government buildings, and the many ways politics and
design intersect. Our authors provide their perspectives about their professional
experiences on these topics, plus their specific assignments, as well as a glimpse
of their professional and personal activities. -Linda K. Monroe


i+D - January/February 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of i+D - January/February 2020

i+D - January/February 2020 - Cover1
i+D - January/February 2020 - Cover2
i+D - January/February 2020 - 3
i+D - January/February 2020 - 4
i+D - January/February 2020 - 5
i+D - January/February 2020 - Contents
i+D - January/February 2020 - 7
i+D - January/February 2020 - 8
i+D - January/February 2020 - 9
i+D - January/February 2020 - 10
i+D - January/February 2020 - 11
i+D - January/February 2020 - 12
i+D - January/February 2020 - 13
i+D - January/February 2020 - 14
i+D - January/February 2020 - 15
i+D - January/February 2020 - 16
i+D - January/February 2020 - 17
i+D - January/February 2020 - 18
i+D - January/February 2020 - 19
i+D - January/February 2020 - 20
i+D - January/February 2020 - 21
i+D - January/February 2020 - 22
i+D - January/February 2020 - 23
i+D - January/February 2020 - 24
i+D - January/February 2020 - 25
i+D - January/February 2020 - 26
i+D - January/February 2020 - 27
i+D - January/February 2020 - 28
i+D - January/February 2020 - 29
i+D - January/February 2020 - 30
i+D - January/February 2020 - 31
i+D - January/February 2020 - 32
i+D - January/February 2020 - 33
i+D - January/February 2020 - 34
i+D - January/February 2020 - 35
i+D - January/February 2020 - 36
i+D - January/February 2020 - 37
i+D - January/February 2020 - 38
i+D - January/February 2020 - 39
i+D - January/February 2020 - 40
i+D - January/February 2020 - 41
i+D - January/February 2020 - 42
i+D - January/February 2020 - 43
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i+D - January/February 2020 - Cover3
i+D - January/February 2020 - Cover4