JOIN IDC JOIN THE CONVER SATION Interior Designers of Canada (IDC) is the national advocacy association for interior designers with a mission to advance and promote the Canadian interior design industry locally, nationally, and internationally. Membership perks: * Online access to job opportunities through Career Centre * Exclusive deals and discounts on insurance rates, auto rentals, and more * Subscription to i+D magazine * Education seminars and webinars (CEUs) * Access to industry research and stats * Advocacy tools to help designers succeed * Annual awards and scholarships * Access to events and networking * Weekly industry news and updates * Promotion on IDC's social media channels InteriorDesignersofCanada IDCanadaTweets 416.649.4425 * t 877.443.4425 * tf * e xx_ID_1120_IDC.indd 1 * Discounted rates for events & IDC's annual design symposium Visit for more info on membership, events and latest news. 11/10/20 4:10 PM