By Jesse Bratter Change of Place The City and the 'Burbs Respond to Living in a Post-Pandemic World Once upon a time, a kitchen was simply a kitchen, a place where you stored your food and prepared breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You probably gathered with your family in what we once knew as the dining room to indulge in those meals. And then you might have decompressed from your day by watching television in your living room before heading to sleep in the bedroom. If you lived in the suburbs, it was likely pretty easy to float from room to room, using each space in the way it was intended. And if you lived in the city, you were used to figuring out ways to maximize every inch of your tighter quarters and make do since you would escape their confines when you went into the office or met a friend for happy hour. 26 378_027_i+D_Jan_Feb 2021_v3.indd 26 i+D - January/February 2021 21-01-27 18:29