IEEE AEROSPACE & ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS SOCIETY ORGANIZATION 2019 VP Member Services - Fabiola Colone VP Publications - Maria S. Greco VP Technical Operations - George T. Schmidt OFFICERS President - Giuseppe A. Fabrizio Executive Vice President - Walter D. Downing Senior Past President - Robert P. Lyons, Jr. Secretary - Marina Ruggieri Treasurer - Robert C. Rassa VP Conferences - Michael Braasch VP Education - Lorenzo Lo Monte VP Finance - Michael A. Cardinale VP Industry Relations - Darin Dunham OTHER POSITIONS Undergraduate Student Rep - Sean Malek Graduate Student Rep - Francesca Filippini Young Professionals Program Coordinator - Kameron Lacalli Executive Assistant - Judy Scharmann BOARD OF GOVERNORS 2019 Members-at-Large through 12/31/19 Michael Braasch Fabiola Colone Darin Dunham Fulvio Gini Fredrik Gustafsson Robert C. Rassa Shannon Blunt Jason L. Williams through 12/31/20 Michael A. Cardinale Stefano Coraluppi Mark E. Davis Hugh D. Griffiths Lance M. Kaplan Lorenzo Lo Monte Laila Fabi Moreira Peter Willett STANDING COMMITTEES & CHAIRS Awards - Fulvio Gini x M. Barry Carlton Award - Michael Rice x Harry Rowe Mimno Award - Peter Willett x Warren D. White Award - Daniel Bliss x Pioneer Award - Fulvio Gini x Fred Nathanson Award - Shannon Blunt x Outstanding Organizational Leadership Award - Alfonso Farina x Robert T. Hill Best Dissertation Award - Lorenzo Lo Monte x AESS Judith A. Resnik Space Award - Fulvio Gini x Chapter Awards - Alfonso Farina Member Services - Fabiola Colone x Chapters - Alfonso Farina x Young Professionals Program - Kameron Lacalli x Fellow Evaluation - Hugh Griffiths x Fellow Search - Fulvio Gini x Student Activities - Robert C. Rassa, Hugh Griffiths Constitution, Organization & Bylaws - Hugh Griffiths Education - Lorenzo Lo Monte History - Hugh Griffiths International Directors Liaison - Maria S. Greco Nominations & Appointments - Hugh Griffiths Publications - Maria S. Greco x Systems Magazine - Peter Willett x Transactions - Michael Rice x Tutorials - W. Dale Blair x QEB - Fabiola Colone Strategic Planning - Walter D. Downing Technical Operations - George T. Schmidt x Aerospace Control & Guidance Sys Panel - Marge Draper Donley x Avionics Systems - Aloke Roy; Roberto Sabatini x Cyber Security - Kathleen Kramer x Glue Technologies for Space Systems Technical Panel Claudio Sacchi; Marina Ruggieri x Gyro & Accelerometer Panel - Randall K. Curey x Navigation Systems - Michael Braasch x Radar Systems Panel - Shannon Blunt x Space Systems Panel - Cosimo Stallo x UAV - Vince Socci through 12/31/21 Yonina Eldar Alfonso Farina Maria S. Greco Michael J. Noble Michael Rice Marina Ruggieri Roy L. Streit Michael Wicks CONFERENCE LIAISONS IEEE Aerospace Conference - Darin Dunham IEEE AUTOTESTCON - Bob Rassa IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology - Gordon Thomas IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference - Kathleen Kramer IEEE Radar Conference - Shannon Blunt IEEE/ION Position, Location & Navigation Symposium - Michael Braasch IEEE/AIAA/NASA Integrated Communications Navigation & Surveillance - Vacant IEEE International Workshop for Metrology for Aerospace - Pasquale Daponte FUSION - W. Dale Blair REPRESENTATIVES TO IEEE ENTITIES Journal of Lightwave Technology - Michael A. Cardinale Nanotechnology Council - Vacant Sensors Council - Lorenzo Lo Monte Systems Council - Robert P. Lyons, Jr. Society on Social Implications of Technology - Michael A. Cardinale IEEE Women in Engineering Committee - Kathleen Kramer LIAISONS TO NON-IEEE TECHNICAL SOCIETIES Association of Old Crows (AOC) - Erwin C. Gangl German Institute of Navigation (DGON) - Hermann Rohling; Gert Trommer Institution of Engineering Technology (IET) - Hugh Griffiths International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) - Robert C. Rassa NDIA Systems Engineering Div - Robert C. Rassa Armed Forces Communications & Electronic Association (AFCEA) - Marina Ruggieri Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International - Ron Ogan Civil Air Patrol - Ron Ogan IEEE/AESS Web Site: Please send corrections or omissions for this page to AESS Executive Assistant, Judy Scharmann, Dated: July 2019