IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - 40

ASurveyofArtificial Intelligence Approaches for Target Surveillance With Radar Sensors
classification, which represents a prime example for the
application of AI. For this reason, we focused on presenting
the key ideas of the large amount of literature available
to SAR/ISAR and micro-Doppler based classification
while describing our own insights. Finally, we analyzed
the impact and value of AI approaches for target tracking.
Therefore, we investigated the different parts of tracking
approaches and presented for each part past and recent
approaches aiming at the improvement of tracking by
algorithms. Moreover, we discussed the potential of AI
supported tracking approaches in practice and outlined
our findings in this area.
Taken together, we highlighted, to the best of our
knowledge, the most representative literature as well as
sufficient references to follow up any of the above mentioned
topics. Nevertheless, AI represents a very large
area of research, which is currently evolving at a rapid
pace. Hence, our investigation is by no means complete.
In addition, our focus within this article relied on radar
sensor application for target surveillance. Research developing
AI approaches based on, for example, weather
radars or optical sensors has consequently been omitted.
Thus, future research could, on the one hand, extend the
scope of our investigations toward further sensor application
and on the other hand, deepen certain subareas. In
spite of these limitations, we hope that our article broadens
the understanding of AI approaches for radar sensors
and indicates potential starting points for future work.
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JULY 2021

IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021

IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - Cover1
IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - Cover2
IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - Contents
IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - 2
IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - 3
IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - 4
IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - 5
IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - 6
IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - 7
IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - 8
IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - 9
IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - 10
IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - 11
IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - 12
IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - 13
IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - 14
IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - 15
IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - 16
IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - 17
IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - 18
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IEEE - Aerospace and Electronic Systems - July 2021 - Cover4