Robust Cooperative Target Detection for a Vision-Based UAVs Autonomous Aerial Refueling Platform via the Contrast . . . Figure 7. Double UAVs platform for outdoor AAR flight experiments. experiments on double UAVs platform with the proposed target detection method and the visual measurement system in this paper. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed visual detection method inspired by the contrast sensitivity mechanism of eagle's eye and the whole visual measurement system, a series of experiments are conducted with the images captured from the flight test in two challenging lighting conditions. In addition, the accuracy of the whole platform is also verified and analyzed in this paper. The relative distance between two UAVs varies from around 2 meters to 10 meters in our experiments. In the process of cooperative target detection operation, we need to set appropriate values for the CSF Figure 8. Detection results of the cooperative target in strong light condition. (a) Original images. (b) Detection results of the cooperative target. 26 IEEE A&E SYSTEMS MAGAZINE MARCH 2019