IEEE Awards Booklet - 2009 - 29
2008 Joyce E. Farrell
IEEE Staff Award
2008 IEEE Eric Herz
Outstanding Staff Member Award
Sponsored by IEEE
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Sherry Russ
Fern E. Katronetsky
For extraordinary commitment to the goals and objectives
of the Institute and unwavering leadership and invaluable
support of volunteers and staff for over 30 years
Director, IEEE Meeting and Conference Management (MCM),
Sherry Russ was named the 2008 Joyce E. Farrell IEEE Staff
Award recipient. She is recognized for her outstanding contributions to IEEE over two decades. Sherry is well known for her
professionalism, experience and extensive knowledge in the
conference and meetings fields.
Fern Katronetsky has been a part of IEEE for over 30 years, and
her unwavering commitment to the mission of IEEE and its
goals has resonated throughout her career. She started her
career in Educational Activities, supporting the department's
Staff Director with general administrative and continuing
education activities. She then went on to administer most activities of the department while it was still in New York. After
that, she became the LEOS Conference Coordinator. Following
that, she became the first TAB Financial Analyst to the then 36
IEEE Societies/Councils. Mrs. Katronetsky later became
Manager of Technical Activities Office Services, where she
managed and provided support directly to the Staff Director
and coordinated its New Director Orientation program.
Time and time again, Sherry has demonstrated her unique
ability to resolve challenges that are in the best interest of all
parties. She serves as a role model to her staff, which she encourages to take on leadership roles and to hone their
professional skills. Sherry's endorsers have attested to her dedication to IEEE and to providing the highest quality of service
to staff, members and volunteers alike.
Established in 1996, the Joyce E. Farrell IEEE Staff Award is
presented annually for exemplary professional performance and
consistent practice of the IEEE Enabling Staff Culture. Recipients
receive a certificate, engraved Waterford crystal bowl, honorarium and have their name and photograph added to the Farrell
Award plaque on display at the IEEE Operations Center.
Her management experience led to her promotion as Manager of
Administrative Services for Corporate Activities. During the six
years she held this position, she managed the Office of the Staff
Director of Corporate Activities, developed and maintained
Governance documents for IEEE and IEEE Foundation activities,
oversaw staff support provided to IEEE's Board appointed Member
Conduct Committee and managed IEEE Annual Elections.
IEEE Enabling Culture Principles
* Member No. 1 & Customer Focus
* Respect for the Employee and Volunteer
In 1999, she was promoted to Director, Awards, IEEE Foundation
and Corporate Activities. As Director, she became responsible for
IEEE Foundation, Awards, the Honors Ceremony, Development
Office and Fellow activity programs, continued to oversee IEEE
Annual Elections, and served as back up to the Staff Director,
Corporate Activities, in daily operations. She directed and
managed overall Corporate Activities finances (in excess of $5
million) and overhead budgets for approximately 60 staff
members. In this role, she also continued to support Eta Kappa
Nu (HKN) on a volunteer basis, which she has done for over 20
years and specifically, supported its Outstanding Young Electrical
Engineer of the Year (OYEE) Award activities program.
* Teamwork
* Lead by Example
* Participatory Management
* Accountability & Our Word Is Our Bond
* Innovation & Continuous Improvement
* Open, Honest Communication & Feedback
Past recipients include:
2007 - William Colacchio, IEEE Publishing Operations
2006 - Doug Gischlar, IEEE Publishing Technologies
Mrs. Katronetsky is currently the Executive Director, IEEE
Foundation and Awards, where she provides leadership and
direction to IEEE Foundation Board members, Awards, History
Center, and Fellow Committees, as well as her staff. She still
focuses on overseeing the management of IEEE Annual
Elections and continues to serve as advisor for HKN activities.
2005 - John Gulics, IEEE Facilities
2004 - W. Henry Buchheit, IEEE Computer Society
2003 - Beverly Banks, IEEE Sales & Marketing
2002 - Barbara Lange, IEEE Publications Business
2001 - Kenneth A. Moore, IEEE Book & Information Services
Mrs. Katronetsky is a member of IEEE, CESSE (Council of
Engineering and Scientific Society Executives), ASAE (American
Society for Association Executives) and the National Notary
Association. She serves as the Financial Secretary, and is an
Officer of both the Executive Committee and Board of Directors
for her religious organization's Sisterhood. Her experience and
knowledge gained from IEEE has also allowed her to serve as
her Sisterhood's first Parliamentarian.
2000 - Abbas Ramandi, IEEE Information Technology
1999 - Judy Brady IEEE Sales & Marketing
1998 - William F. Van Der Vort, IEEE Electron Devices Society
1997 - Jose A. Saravia, IEEE Controller's Office
1996 - Mahrukh R. Cama, IEEE Information Technology
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Awards Booklet - 2009
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