IEEE Awards Booklet - 2010 - 21
2010 IEEE
Judith A. Resnik Award
2010 IEEE
Robotics and Automation Award
Sponsored by IEEE Aerospace and
Electronic Systems, IEEE Control Systems
and IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Societies
Sponsored by IEEE Robotics and
Automation Society
Surendra Pal
Toshio Fukuda
For the development of various spaceborne communication
systems, planning, operationalization and advancement of
Global Navigation Satellite Services (GNSS) in India
For leadership and pioneering contributions
to Intelligent Robotic Systems and Micro- and
Nanorobotic systems
Surendra Pal has been at the forefront of India's progress in satellite
navigation and communications systems since the inception of its
satellite program in 1971. He has been responsible for the design,
development and fabrication of spacecraft-related telecommunicationsystemsforallIndianscientific,remote-sensingandcommunication
satellites. Dr. Pal has pioneered important satellite-based navigation
activities in India, such as initiating the Indian Regional Navigational
Satellite System (IRNSS) and GPS Aided and Geo Augmented
Navigation (GAGAN). The IRNSS is a regional component of GNSS
consisting of seven satellites in geo-synchronous orbit over India,
providing 24-hour, all-weather navigation support of the Indian
continent for land, air and sea users. GAGAN will benefit civil aviation
by providing seamless navigation over Indian airspace with improved
positioning, velocity and timing determination accuracies. An IEEE
Fellow, Dr. Pal is currently associate director of the Indian Space
Research Organization's Satellite Centre and Programme Director of
ISRO's Satellite Navigation Program, in Bangalore, India.
Dr. Fukuda is known as a pioneer in the field of Intelligence
Systems for his research on Modular Robotic Systems called
Cellular Robotic System "CEBOT." Dr. Fukuda developed brachiation controllers, which are important for providing more
natural movement in robots. Based on an ape's brachiation (the
pendulum-like movement involved when swinging from tree
limb to tree limb), Dr. Fukuda and colleagues addressed "swing
locomotion" and "swing up" behaviors, resulting in a robot
capable of continuous movement over several rungs of a ladder.
He pioneered microrobotics technology, including the microsensors and microactuators that make miniature systems possible,
and his medical intravascular microsurgery simulator has found
commercial use. Dr. Fukuda has worked on three-dimensional
manipulation of carbon nanotubes for nanosensors and nanoactuators, with implications for biotechnology applications. An
IEEE Fellow, Dr. Fukuda is a professor in the Department of
Micro-Nano Systems Engineering at Nagoya University, Japan.
2010 IEEE
Frank Rosenblatt Award
2010 IEEE
David Sarnoff Award
Sponsored by IEEE Computational
Intelligence Society
Sponsored by Sarnoff Corporation
Michio Sugeno
Mark J.W. Rodwell
For contributions to development and applications
of the theory of fuzzy sets
For development of millimeter-wave and
sub-millimeter-wave InP bipolar transistors
and integrated circuits
Dr. Sugeno first introduced fuzzy measures and the Sugeno
Integrals leading to the concept of the Choquet Integrals as an
extension of the conventional Lebesgue Integrals. Dr. Sugeno has
also been a leader in creating industry partnerships to bring
practical applications to life, ranging from smart cameras to industrial control systems. One of Dr. Sugeno's early breakthroughs was
the automatic control of a small car using fuzzy systems based on
the Takagi-Sugeno Model. The groundbreaking work has had a
tremendous impact on fuzzy control researchers and has impacted
applications such as home appliances, automobiles and process
control. Dr. Sugeno next tackled intelligent control of an unmanned
helicopter by demonstrating fuzzy control through verbal instructions combined with real-time flight data from the GPS and
on-board cameras. This achievement has implications for agriculture industry and disaster recovery applications. An IEEE Member,
Dr. Sugeno is currently an Affiliated Distinguished Researcher at
the European Centre for Soft Computing, Mieres, Spain.
Mark J.W. Rodwell's development of millimeter- and submillimeterwave indium phosphide (InP) heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs)
has extended the limits of high-frequency radio, high-speed optical
communications and powerful imaging applications. During the mid1990s, Dr. Rodwell sought a breakthrough in the InP HBT fabrication
process to boost the device's maximum frequency of oscillation,
extending its circuit applications beyond microwave frequencies.
Transistors and a series of circuits fundamental to high-frequency communications were subsequently demonstrated, establishing the
feasibility of transistors with operating frequencies as high as 1-3 THz.
Dr. Rodwell's work has enabled development of ultrahigh-speed
wireless radios/links in the previously never reached spectra of the
"Terahertz Gap" for short-distance and portable communications and
high-resolution cameras/imagers for detecting concealed objects. An
IEEE Fellow, Dr. Rodwell is currently a professor in the Department of
Laboratory at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Awards Booklet - 2010
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2010 - Cover1
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2010 - Cover2
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2010 - 1
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2010 - 2
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IEEE Awards Booklet - 2010 - Cover4