IEEE Awards Booklet - 2010 - 22



2010 IEEE
Donald O. Pederson Award in
Solid-State Circuits



2010 IEEE
Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award

Sponsored by IEEE Solid-State
Circuits Society

Sponsored by IEEE Standards Association

Takayasu Sakurai

Richard DeBlasio

For pioneering contributions to the design and
modeling of high-speed and low-power CMOS logic

For contributions to the standardization and global
impact of distributed electric power supply system
interconnection technology

Considered one of the top integrated-circuit researchers in the
world, Takayasu Sakurai's contributions to CMOS technology
have enabled the scaling down of chip sizes needed for today's
handheld electronics. Dr. Sakurai was one of the earliest researchers to create solutions to power problems facing CMOS
logic circuit designers. His simplified models provide designers
with intuition of chip performance that is needed to use circuit
simulation tools effectively. The "Sakurai model," developed in
1991, was the world's first realistic interconnect delay and capacitance model formula and plays a key role in developing
today's high-speed circuits. His "alpha power law model" has
been used in many tools for estimating how transistor performance will scale with technology to optimize size and at the
same time minimize power. An IEEE Fellow, Dr. Sakurai is
currently a professor with the University of Tokyo's Institute of
Industrial Science.

A driving force in the development of standards, Richard DeBlasio
has helped pave the way for integration of "green" energy
resources with the electric power grid. Mr. DeBlasio standardized
how distributed resources such as solar energy, wind power and
hydro generation are to be interconnected with the grid. He
brought together many stakeholders with competing interests to
create a standard that is respected by all who use it. IEEE
Standard 1547 ("Standard for the Interconnection of Distributed
Resources with the Electric Power System") removed many of
the barriers to utilizing renewable energy sources to complement central power systems and made development of
nontraditional energy sources more feasible. It became the
national standard for interconnection and has had a significant
effect on how the energy industry does business. An IEEE Life
Senior Member, he is currently the principal laboratory program
manager for electricity research and development programs at
the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado.

2010 IEEE
Nikola Tesla Award

2010 IEEE
Eric E. Sumner Award
Sponsored by Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs

Sponsored by The Grainger Foundation and
IEEE Power and Energy Society

Reinaldo A. Valenzuela

Paul C. Krause

For pioneering contributions to multi-antenna
systems and microwave propagation

For outstanding contributions to the analysis of electric
machinery using reference frame theory

Current and next-generation cellular phones, wide-area wireless
networks and WiFi systems have all been impacted by Reinaldo A.
Valenzuela's pioneering contributions. Spurred by the theoretical
findings that tremendous increases in wireless capacity could be
achieved with MIMO technology, under Valenzuela's leadership,
the group developed the "VBLAST" prototype, which incorporated eight transmission antennas and 12 receiver antennas, and
achieved a spectral efficiency of 20 to 40 bits per second per hertz
with an average signal to noise ratio of about 24 to 32 decibels.
This demonstrated for the first time the practicality and potential of
multiple antennas for wireless communications. Tests were conducted in urban, suburban and indoor settings to prove that the
technology could successfully enhance wireless communications in
challenging environments. An IEEE Fellow, Dr. Valenzuela is
currently the director of the Wireless Communications Research
Department at Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, Holmdel, N.J.

As the architect of modern reference frame theory, Dr. Paul C.
Krause has made the analysis and understanding of the operation
of electric machines more straightforward. In the 1960s, he determined that the different mathematical transformations that
comprised reference frame theory could be established from one
transformation, which he called the "arbitrary reference frame"
transformation. He subsequently extended this original work to
establish the concept of multiple reference frame analysis; thereby,
forming the basis of modern reference frame theory and making
the analysis less intimidating. His accomplishments have impacted
the emerging use of electric drives for vehicles, aircraft, ships, and
in electric power grid applications. He has focused his fundamental
concepts of reference frame analysis on commercial applications
through his company, PC Krause and Associates (West Lafayette,
IN.), which he started in 1983. An IEEE Life Fellow, Dr. Krause
recently retired from Purdue University and is currently the
president and chief executive officer of PC Krause and Associates.


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Awards Booklet - 2010

IEEE Awards Booklet - 2010 - Cover1
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2010 - Cover2
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IEEE Awards Booklet - 2010 - Cover4