IEEE Awards Booklet - 2013 - 31


IEEE Award for Distinguished Ethical Practices
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Karen A. Panetta

For exemplary contributions and leadership in developing ethics
and social responsibility in students

Karen Panetta is dedicated to promoting women in engineering and created the nationally acclaimed "Nerd Girls" program,
where undergraduate engineers use their engineering skills to
solve real-world problems and serve as role models for younger
students. By showing youth how engineering helps society by
improving the quality of life for humans and wildlife, Dr. Panetta
has connected young students with the motivation for pursuing
engineering careers.
Dr. Panetta's research focuses on developing efficient algorithms for simulation, modeling, signal and image processing

for security, and biomedical applications. She has been recognized for her work with numerous awards, including the 2011
National Science Foundation Presidential Award for Excellence
in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring. Dr. Panetta is the 2013 IEEE USA vice-president of communications
and editor-in-chief of the award winning IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine.
Dr. Karen Panetta, an IEEE Fellow, is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Tufts University and Director of the Simulation Research Laboratory. 


Joyce E. Farrell IEEE Staff Award

IEEE Eric Herz Outstanding Staff Member Award

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Kathy Burke

Judith L. Gorman

Kathy M. Burke used to sit next to a co-worker with a ready smile 
and "wicked" sense of humor. Her neighbor has since gone, but
one of IEEE's highest forms of employee recognition is named
after her-the Joyce E. Farrell Award. As it turns out, the 2012
recipient is none other than her former neighbor, Kathy Burke. 
Kathy and her Conference Operations team focus on providing 
end-to-end support for the IEEE volunteers who organize some
1,200 conferences each year. She brings to this role her many
years of customer service experience and uses that focus in everything that she does.
Endorsers for Ms. Burke's nomination for the award recognized how she consistently exhibits the characteristics of the
IEEE Enabling Culture Principles and truly believes that IEEE
is the best place to work. One of her endorsers stated, "Kathy is 
the backbone of our team. We would not be the collaborative,
innovative, honest, reliable, professional, and dedicated team that
we are without her."

Judith Gorman, recently retired managing director of the IEEE
Standards Association (IEEE-SA), was a member of the IEEE
professional staff since 1984. She began her IEEE career directing Standards publishing and marketing. Her years of engagement
in Standards publishing provided strong exposure to and related
knowledge of the international standards environment. In 1991,
she became associate staff director of Standards and, in 1995,
she was named staff director. Since 1998 until her retirement in
2012, Ms. Gorman served as managing director of Standards, a
constituency-based unit of IEEE with membership as a requirement for electing the leadership, an organizational strategy that
enabled business growth and expansion, and an international focus.The 2004 establishment of the IEEE-SA Corporate Program,
in which she played a pivotal role, was another key turning point
for the organization.
Ms. Gorman received bachelor's and master's degrees in music
theory from the City University of New York, N.Y.



Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Awards Booklet - 2013

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