IEEE Awards Booklet - 2015 - 9

2015 ieee medals

IEEE Edison Medal

IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal

Sponsored by Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Sponsored by Qualcomm, Inc.

James J. spilker, Jr.

imre Csiszár

For contributions to the technology and
implementation of civilian GPS navigation

For contributions to information theory,
information-theoretic security, and

As one of the principal designers and analysts of the Global Positioning System (GPS), James J. Spilker Jr.'s contributions to GPS
development have truly benefited billions of people around the
world. The satellite-based navigation system has become an integral part of society through mobile phones and other portable
devices that rely on GPS timing, commercial and private aviation, sea navigation, geolocating personal vehicles, and providing
disaster warning and recovery support. Dr. Spilker developed the
initial technologies to enable successful GPS operation, and he
has continued to provide innovations important to the further
growth of the GPS. Dr. Spilker designed the L1 C/A code during
the 1970s, which became the GPS civilian signal now used by 2
billion people worldwide. His delay lock loop process for tracking
code division multiple access (CDMA) signals is essential to GPS
accuracy. He has since helped develop the new L5 civilian signal,
first launched in 2011, which provides higher accuracy and more
resistance to the effects of interference, such as space weather, on
navigation. Dr. Spilker also co-invented the split spectrum mode
(now called binary offset carrier, or BOC) for modern GPS ranging that will allow civilian and military signals to use separate
areas of the spectrum. He also developed adaptive vector tracking
for simultaneously tracking ranging signals from multiple satellites
while maintaining accuracy and improving performance against
interference.Vector tracking will be critical to handling GPS satellite navigation expansion as new GPS satellites and signals are introduced by agencies around the world. Dr. Spilker's highly cited
book Global Positioning System: Theory and Applications (American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1996) is considered the
standard reference for the GPS and won the AIAA Sommerfield
Book Award. His popular textbook Digital Communications by Satellite (Prentice-Hall, 1977) went through ten printings.
An IEEE Life Fellow and member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, Dr. Spilker is currently executive chairman
of AOSense Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, USA, and professor (consulting),
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.

With research spanning over five decades, Imre Csiszár has provided fundamental and pace-setting contributions to information
theory and statistics that have been crucial to data compression,
multiuser communications systems, and secure data transmission
impacting fields including genetics, economics, signal processing, and pattern recognition. Prof. Csiszár is known for developing the "method of types." This approach to proving coding
theorems for discrete memoryless communication systems has
become a powerful tool for understanding communications and
statistics. His book (Information Theory: Coding Theorems for Discrete Memoryless Systems, Academic Press, 1981, Second Edition:
Cambridge University Press, 2011) with J. Körner is considered
the most comprehensive treatment on the method of types and
is an indispensable resource for information theory researchers.
Prof. Csiszár's contributions to information-theoretic security
began in 1978 and still continue. His work (also with J. Körner) on generalizing the wiretap channel model has provided the
foundations for implementing enhanced physical-layer security
in wireless communications networks. His recent work (with P.
Narayan) on secret key extraction by network terminals using
public communication has motivated advances in key generation algorithms based on low-density parity check codes and polar code constructions as well as network coding schemes. Prof.
Csiszár has also demonstrated the fundamental role data compression algorithms can play in the construction of a new generation
of secret keys for secure encrypted communication. His analysis
of divergence geometries of probability distributions has led to
using alternating minimization algorithms to help tackle optimization problems in applications including channel transmission
in information theory, function reconstruction from moments
in the kinetic theory of gases, biomedical imaging, and pattern
recognition algorithms in computer vision.
An IEEE Life Fellow and recipient of the Shannon Award
(1996), Dr. Csiszár is a Research Professor Emeritus with the A.
Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Budapest, Hungary.

Scope: For a career of meritorious achievement in electrical science, electrical engineering, or the electrical arts

Scope: For exceptional contributions to information sciences, systems, and technology



Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Awards Booklet - 2015

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IEEE Awards Booklet - 2015 - Cover2
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