IEEE Awards Booklet - 2016 - 36
ieee fellows class of 2016
Martin Vossiek
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Erlangen, Germany
for contributions to the design of wireless and
radar positioning systems
sarma Bala Vrudhula
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ, USA
for contributions to low-power and energyefficient design of digital circuits and systems
Bernhard Walke
RWTH Aachen University
Aachen, Germany
for contributions to packet switching and
relaying in cellular mobile system
Pengjun Wan
Illinois Institute of Technology
Chicago, IL, USA
for contributions to scheduling and resource
allocation in wireless networks
Cliff Wang
US Army Research office
Durham, NC, USA
for leadership in trusted computing and
communication systems
Jia Wang
AT&T Labs Research
Bedminster, NJ, USA
for contributions to measurement and
management of large operational networks
yue Wang
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Blacksburg, VA, USA
for contributions to genomic signal analytics and
image-based tissue characterization
Zhengdao Wang
Iowa State Universiety
Ames, IA, USA
for contributions to multicarrier communications
and performance analysis of wireless systems
Zhong Feng Wang
Broadcom Corporation
Irvine, CA, USA
for contributions to VLSI design and
implementation of forward error correction coding
David Wolpert
Santa Fe Institute
Santa Fe, NM, USA
for contributions to optimization, machine
learning, distributed control, and game theory
Vincent Wong
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC, Canada
for contributions to mobility management
in wireless networks and demand side
management in smart grid
kaikit Wong
University College London
London, United Kingdom
for contributions to multiuser communication
Jieh Wu
National Chiao-Tung University
Hsin-Chu, Taiwan
for contributions to design and calibration of
high-performance data converters
Ernest Wu
IBM Microelectronics- Avent, Inc�
Burlington, VT, USA
for contributions to gate oxide reliability of
CMoS devices
Liang-Liang Xie
Universiy of Waterloo
Waterloo, oN, Canada
for contributions to fundamental limits of
feedback control systems and wireless networks
Chenyang Xu
Siemens Technology-To-Business Center
Berkeley, CA, USA
for contributions to medical imaging and imageguided interventions
shugong Xu
Intel Labs Research
Santa Clara, CA, USA
for contributions to the improvement of wireless
networks efficiency
Chengzhong Xu
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI, USA
for leadership in resource management for
parallel and distributed systems
Li Xu
old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA, USA
for contributions to theory and applications of
enterprise information systems
Lie Liang yang
University of Southampton
Southampton, United Kingdom
for contributions to multicarrier communications
and wireless transceivers
Mark yeary
University of oklahoma
Norman, oK, USA
for contributions to radar systems for
kiat-seng yeo
Singapore University of Technology & Design
Singapore, Singapore
for contributions to low-power integrated circuit
Jinhong yuan
University of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW, Australia
for contributions to multi-antenna wireless
communication technologies
Luca Zaccarian
University of Trento
Trento, Italy
for contributions to the development and
application of nonlinear and hybrid control systems
Daniel Zeng
University of Arizona
and CAS Institute of Automation
Tucson, AZ, USA
for contributions to collaborative computing with
applications to security informatics
Bing Zeng
University of Electronic Science
and Technology of China
Sichuan, China
for contributions to image and video coding
Xi Zhang
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX, USA
for contributions to quality of service in mobile
wireless networks
Jianzhong Zhang
Samsung Research America
Mountain View, CA, USA
for leadership in standardization of cellular
yi Zhang
Sichuan University
Chengdu, China
for contributions to convergence theory for
neural networks and subspace learning
Lizhong Zheng
MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA, USA
for contributions to the theory of multiple
antenna communication
Ping Zhou
ANSYS Incorporated
Canonsburg, PA, USA
for contributions to finite element methods
applied to electromagnetic devices and
electrical machines
2016 ieee fellow committee roster
amy reibman (Chair)
stefano Galli (Vice Chair)
amir amini
alessandro astolfi
David Bader
John Baillieul
supriyo Bandyopadhyay
Fil Bartoli
Piero Bonissone
Christos Cassandras
Babu Chalamala
George Chriskos
Cor Claeys
Mariesa Crow
serge Demidenko
Paulo Diniz
Miwako Doi
Jay Farrell
Victor Fouad-Hanna
Maria Greco
Donna Hudson
William Hurley
Pooi-yuen kam
Mark karol
Mostafa kaveh
Michael kennedy
V. Prasad kodali
kazuo kyuma
Jae Hong Lee
yong Lian
Zhi-Pei Liang
k J ray Liu
Franco Maloberti
a.P. sakis Meliopouos
Carmen Menoni
Dejan Milojicic
David neuhoff
Marios Polycarpou
Peter ramadge
Marina ruggieri
Magdalena salazar-Palma
Morris sloman
robert staszewski
Michael steer
Isabel Trancoso
Leung Tsang
Chi Tse
Maria Elena Valcher
Joos Vandewalle
Pramod Varshney
Bo Wahlberg
yuan-Fang Zheng
Cecelia Jankowski
rosann Marosy
Donna Dukes
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Awards Booklet - 2016
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2016 - Cover1
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2016 - Cover2
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IEEE Awards Booklet - 2016 - 2
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IEEE Awards Booklet - 2016 - Cover4