IEEE Awards Booklet - 2018 - 17

2018 ieee medals

IEEE Simon Ramo Medal

IEEE John von Neumann Medal

Sponsored by Northrop Grumman Corporation

Sponsored by IBM Corporation

Heinz Stoewer

Patrick Cousot

For pioneering accomplishments in and
technical leadership of space systems
engineering, and for profound influence
on teaching and practice of systems

For introducing abstract interpretation,
a powerful framework for automatically
calculating program properties with broad
application to verification and optimization

Heinz Stoewer's systems engineering approach to solving complex
challenges has led to the successful implementation of important
international space projects and has benefitted diverse industries.
Stoewer was the European Space Agency's (ESA) first program
manager for the Spacelab project, where he created a strong systems group. Spacelab was essentially a small reusable space station
designed to fit within the cargo bay of the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Space Shuttle that
consisted of pressurized modules, unpressurized pallets, and other
hardware that could be reconfigured for specific missions. Stoewer's systems engineering approach was critical to the success of the
project, where the Spacelab and Shuttle depended on each other
for power, life support, thermal management, crew functions, and
communication. In these efforts, he led the requirements, system
definition, and interface negotiations between ESA and NASA.
This work ultimately set the stage for U.S. and European cooperation on the International Space Station. Stoewer also founded
the ESA's Systems Engineering and Programmatics Department,
where he implemented an end-to-end systems engineering philosophy across ESA projects. He served as managing director of
the German Space Agency's national space science and applications
projects, which included important work on shuttle imaging radar
and the gravity recovery and climate experiment. Stoewer was also
founding director of Delft University of Technology's international
master's degree program in space systems engineering, where he
introduced the use of small satellite-based projects as an effective
teaching and training tool for engineering students. Serving on
the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE),
he helped to broaden the organization's global perspective beyond
aerospace and added a commercial component to complement its
original aerospace focus. For the past eight years, Stoewer has been
a Distinguished Visiting Scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where he has helped transform their system capabilities into a
modern model-based systems engineering set of assets.
A member of the International Academy of Astronautics and
recipient of the NASA Administrator Public Service Award (1984
and 1995) and of the Medal of the German Bundesrat (Senate),
Stoewer is president of Space Associates GmbH, Munich, Germany.

With the introduction and development of abstract interpretation, Patrick Cousot has provided the computer programming
industry with one of the most sweepingly influential and impactful tools in all of computing.Working with his wife Radhia (who
passed away in 2014), Cousot's groundbreaking demonstration
in 1977 of abstract interpretation was a fundamental paradigm
shift that placed static program analysis on a mathematical footing
so that researchers could reason about correctness. It is now the
dominating approach to static program analysis and is pervasive in
today's programming tools, including compilers and the interactive development environment. Abstract interpretation provides
a foundation for performing automatic program analysis, where
the goal is to obtain information about the possible states that
a program passes through during execution, but without actually running the program on specific inputs. In compilers, it is
used to gather information used to decide which optimizations
to employ, thereby allowing programs to run faster. In softwareengineering tools, it is used to provide feedback to programmers
about a program's runtime properties, which helps them do a
better job of developing, modifying, debugging, and testing programs. In verification tools, it is one of the key techniques used to
show that a program never reaches a bad state, thereby establishing
that the program is correct with respect to some property of interest.Verification has grown increasingly important as computers
and microchip-based controllers have become pervasive, and it
is especially crucial regarding critical systems, such as controllers
in nuclear reactors, automobile-braking and airbag-deployment
systems, and aircraft collision-avoidance systems. Cousot and his
team developed the ASTRÉE software system to analyze C programs for the occurrence of runtime errors. ASTRÉE has been
applied to many safety-critical applications, such as the flightcontrol software for the Airbus A340 and A380 aircraft.
An IEEE Member and recipient of the 2008 Humboldt Research Award and the 2014 IEEE Harlan D. Mills Joint Award,
Cousot is the Silver Professor of Computer Science at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University,
New York, NY, USA.

Scope: For exceptional achievement in systems engineering and
systems science.

Scope: For outstanding achievements in computer-related science
and technology.

17 | 2018 IEEE awards bookLET


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Awards Booklet - 2018

Table of Contents
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2018 - Cover1
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2018 - Cover2
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IEEE Awards Booklet - 2018 - 4
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2018 - Table of Contents
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