Presentation of awards at ieee honors ceremony Friday, 11 May 2018 The Palace Hotel san Francisco, California, Usa OPENING REMARKS-IEEE President and CEO, James A. Jefferies & IEEE President-Elect, José M.F. Moura IEEE spectrum Technology in the service of society award IEEE spectrum Emerging Technology award Project Loon asML Holding N.V. IEEE Corporate Innovation award Pixar animation studios IEEE richard M. Emberson award donald N. Heirman IEEE Haraden Pratt award Loretta arellano IEEE Honorary Membership anton Zeilinger IEEE Honorary Membership Mike Lazaridis IEEE robert N. Noyce Medal Tsugio Makimoto IEEE Edison Medal Eli Yablonovitch IEEE alexander Graham bell Medal Nambi seshadri IEEE Founders Medal IEEE richard w. Hamming Medal IEEE Medal for Environmental and safety Technologies IEEE Jack s. kilby signal Processing Medal Narayana Murthy Erdal arikan Jerome Faist and Frank k. Tittel bede Liu IEEE Medal for Innovations in Healthcare Technology Thomas F. budinger IEEE/rsE James Clerk Maxwell Medal Thomas Haug and Philippe dupuis IEEE Jun-ichi Nishizawa Medal Joe C. Campbell IEEE James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal delores M. Etter IEEE dennis J. Picard Medal for radar Technologies and applications Mark E. davis IEEE Medal in Power Engineering Hirofumi akagi IEEE simon ramo Medal Heinz stoewer IEEE John von Neumann Medal Patrick Cousot IEEE Medal of Honor bradford w. Parkinson 4 | 2018 IEEE awards bookLET