IEEE Awards Booklet - 2018 - 7
2018 ieee medals
IEEE Corporate Innovation Award
IEEE Richard M. Emberson Award
Sponsored by IEEE
Sponsored by the IEEE Technical Activities Board
Pixar Animation Studios
Donald Heirman
For a long history of pioneering innovations in computer
animation and computer graphics
For leadership and service to industry
and IEEE, and for the development of
global consensus and education in IEEE
technical fields and standards
An Academy Award®-winning film studio with world-renowned
technical, creative, and production capabilities in the art of computer animation, Pixar Animation Studios has produced deep and
lasting innovations in virtually every aspect of computer graphics. Starting in the early 1970s, Pixar technologists led by Edwin
Catmull have been at the forefront of the field. Pixar has created
some of the most successful and beloved animated films of all
time, and their techniques have been responsible for the adoption
of computer graphics in an extraordinary number of industries
beyond entertainment. Pixar began as the Graphics Group, which
was part of the Computer Division of Lucasfilm. At Lucasfilm,
the team achieved key computer-generated imagery milestones.
In 1986 Pixar was acquired by Apple cofounder Steve Jobs, and
the studio's short film, Luxo Jr., was a milestone in the use of 3D
computer animation to tell a story. In 1995, Pixar forever impacted the future of filmmaking and animation with the release
of its first feature film, Toy Story. Toy Story completely upended
how animated films were produced, moving from 2D cell animation to full 3D computer animation. Among their many innovations, Pixar invented digital image compositing, including
the now-standard Porter-Duff compositing algebra. Pixar's depth
buffer algorithm for hidden surface removal, texture mapping,
programmable shading, and stochastic sampling became the basis of all modern renderers. Their RenderMan renderer has been
used in hundreds of motion pictures. Pixar's introduction of volume rendering became an indispensable tool not only in filmmaking but also in scientific visualization and medical imaging.
Pixar also pioneered particle systems for creating a wide variety of
physical phenomena. Marionette was Pixar's first proprietary 3D
animation program, enabling the creation of Toy Story and used
for animated films through 2011. In 2012, Pixar launched the
Presto animation system with a powerful layering and referencing
model to allow large teams of artists to work collaboratively on
extremely rich and complicated imagery and motion.
Located in Emeryville, CA, USA, Pixar is currently under the
direction of Edwin Catmull, cofounder of Pixar Animation Studios and president of Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios.
A recognized expert in electromagnetic compatibility standardization, Donald Heirman has dedicated his career to the development of standards and education in the field and extending
technology to address business, consumer, and social needs. EMC
is the ability of electronic devices to operate near each other
without experiencing the effects of electromagnetic interference,
and Heirman's in-depth understanding of EMC coupled with his
dedication to progressing the field of EMC product compliance
measurements has resulted in many invaluable contributions. He
spent over 30 years with Bell Laboratories, where he focused on
reducing low-frequency and radio-frequency noise in telephone
circuits, providing regulatory compliance testing strategies and
designing, building, and operating compliance test facilities.There
he founded the Global Product Compliance Laboratory and was
responsible for the company's major EMC and associated regulatory activities. He was instrumental in Bell's participation in the
IEEE EMC Society, ANSI Accredited Standard Committee C63
(EMC), and international EMC standardization committees. He
has chaired or been a principal technical contributor to U.S. and
international EMC standards organizations including ANSI ASC
C63 and the International Electrotechnical Commission's (IEC)
International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR). He presently chairs the IEC's Advisory Committee on EMC
(ACEC) and is a life member of the U.S. National Committee
of the IEC's Technical Management Committee. Heirman's outstanding service to the IEEE, particularly to the IEEE EMC Society and to the IEEE Standards Association, includes serving on
the IEEE Board of Directors, president of the IEEE EMC Society
and IEEE Standards Association, multiple terms as vice president
of the IEEE EMC Society, and as chair of multiple technical committees in the society. Heirman is also a voting member of the
Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) Testing and Certification
Committee and chairman of its Electromagnetic Interoperability
Issues Working Group, which provides EMC recommendations
for smart grid equipment and systems.
An IEEE Life Fellow and recipient of the 2008 IEC Lord Kelvin Award, Heirman is president of Don HEIRMAN Consultants, Lincroft, NJ, USA, which he founded in 1997.
Scope: For an outstanding innovation by an organization in an
IEEE field of interest.
Scope: For distinguished service advancing the technical objectives
of the IEEE.
7 | 2018 IEEE awards bookLET
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Awards Booklet - 2018
Table of Contents
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IEEE Awards Booklet - 2018 - Cover2
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IEEE Awards Booklet - 2018 - Table of Contents
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