IEEE Awards Booklet - 2018 - 8
2018 ieee medals
IEEE Haraden Pratt Award
IEEE Honorary Membership
Sponsored by the IEEE Foundation
Sponsored by IEEE
Loretta Arellano
Anton Zeilinger
For furthering IEEE's objectives, promoting cooperation among IEEE organizational units, and exemplary innovation
in developing IEEE volunteer leaders
For pioneering conceptual and experimental contributions to the development of quantum communications and
A dedicated leader whose volunteer efforts have spanned many
IEEE major organizational units at all leadership levels, Loretta
Arellano has shown remarkable initiative in identifying and developing opportunities to carry out the Institute's mission of advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Balancing her
professional career-where she was an expert in reliability, maintainability, and logistics at Raytheon Company-with her IEEE
service, Arellano has inspired teams and promoted cooperation
among IEEE organizational units. In 2013, she was instrumental
in meeting the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA)
Board's goal of modernizing the volunteer experience. Recognizing a need to train promising volunteers, she proposed and
created what is now known as the Volunteer Leadership Training
Program (VoLT) to identify and develop leaders from the ranks of
IEEE's local organizational units. The program introduces aspiring leaders to leadership skills and all aspects of IEEE operations
and involving each of IEEE's major organizational units. Each
VoLT trainee is assigned a mentor who shepherds the volunteer
through a practical project designed to provide practical leadership experience. The volunteer participates in interactive webinars along with completion of a leadership project. The end
result is a volunteer who is prepared to assume higher levels of
responsibility in leading IEEE activities. For better efficiencies of
staff and volunteer resources, Arellano also implemented a plan
to integrate the MGA's training activities into a single committee, providing a one-stop approach to volunteer training and
leadership development. She merged VoLT, the IEEE Center for
Leadership Excellence (CLE), and the MGA Training Committee into one committee whose mission is to focus on all aspects
of volunteer training. Among her many positions, she has served
as Region 6 Director, Division 6 Director, and was president of
the IEEE Reliability Society.
An IEEE Senior Member and an Institute for the Advancement of Engineering Fellow, Arellano is senior manager (retired)
with Raytheon. She lives in Sun Valley, CA, USA.
A visionary quantum physicist and a pioneer of quantum information science, Anton Zeilinger has helped shape the future of quantum technologies, including quantum communications. Quantum
communications will play an important role in protecting information channels against eavesdropping by using quantum cryptography.
He has performed many groundbreaking experiments in quantum
mechanics, from important fundamental tests all the way to innovative applications. Most of his research concerns the fundamental
aspects and applications of quantum entanglement. He discovered
(with Greenberger and Horne), and later realized in experiments,
the first multiparticle entangled states. These have since become essential in fundamental tests of quantum mechanics and in quantum
information science, most notably in quantum computation.Among
the innovative applications he and his group developed are the first
entanglement-based quantum cryptography, quantum teleportation
of independent photons, key concepts in optical quantum computation, the one-way quantum computer, and novel entanglementbased imaging methods. Quantum teleportation involves sending
quantum information where the exact state of an atom or photon
can be transmitted exactly from one location to another, with the
help of classical communication and previously shared quantum entanglement between the sending and receiving locations. With his
team, he also realized a few of the first long-distance entanglementbased quantum communication experiments, first across the Danube
River in Vienna and later in many experiments between the Canary Islands. He has developed various schemes of quantum cryptography, demonstrating photonic key distribution in optical fibers
as well as through free space. He also performed numerous tests of
Bell's inequality, closing more loopholes and thus making quantum
cryptography unconditionally secure. Recent work, in cooperation
with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, includes the establishment of
the world's first intercontinental quantum cryptography link via the
quantum satellite Micius.
Recipient of the inaugural Isaac Newton Medal from the United Kingdom's Institute of Physics (2008), Zeilinger is a professor
of physics at the University of Vienna and president of the Austrian Academy of Sciences,Vienna, Austria.
Scope: For outstanding volunteer service to the IEEE.
Scope: For those who have rendered meritorious service to
humanity in the IEEE's designated fields of interest and who are
not members of the IEEE.
8 | 2018 IEEE awards bookLET
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Awards Booklet - 2018
Table of Contents
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2018 - Cover1
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2018 - Cover2
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IEEE Awards Booklet - 2018 - 2
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2018 - 3
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2018 - 4
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2018 - Table of Contents
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