IEEE Awards Booklet - 2019 - 35
Ieee fellows clAss of 2019
Zeshui Xu
for contributions to decision-making
Yizhou Yu
for contributions to geometric and image-based
Yanchao Zhang
for contributions to wireless and mobile security
Fan Yang
for contributions to surface electromagnetics for
Pericle Zanchetta
for contributions to the control of complex power
electronics systems
Ming-Hsuan Yang
for contributions to object tracking and face
Jared Zerbe
for contributions to the development of high
performance serial interfaces
Xiaokang Yang
for contributions to perceptual modeling and
processing of visual signals
Bao-Hui Zhang
for contributions to power system transient
stability prediction
Lin Zhong
for contributions to the development of energyefficient driver circuits for organic light-emitting
Steve Yao
for leadership in opto-electronic oscillator and
optical polarization devices
Cha Zhang
for contributions to machine learning for image
and video data processing
Donghua Zhou
for contributions to reliability and maintenance
of dynamic systems
Hiroto Yasuura
for contributions to energy-efficiency and
dependability of Very Large scale Integration
Daqing Zhang
for contributions to context-aware mobile and
pervasive systems
Jingren Zhou
for contributions to cloud computing and query
Minerva Yeung
for leadership in multimedia signal processing
Liangpei Zhang
for contributions to image processing of remote
sensing data
Lidong Zhou
for contributions to trusted distributed
Eiichi Yoshida
for leadership in the development of modular
reconfigurable robotic systems
Mengjie Zhang
for contributions to evolutionary learning and
optimization methodologies
Qifa Zhou
for contributions to medical ultrasound
transducers and multimodal imaging
Marwan Younis
for contributions to digital beam-forming
techniques for spaceborne radar systems
Ping Zhang
for leadership in theory, standardization, and
application of wireless technologies
Michael Zyda
for contributions to game design and
Moustafa Youssef
for contributions to wireless location tracking
Richard Zhang
for leadership in development of power
electronic converters
Yimin D. Zhang
for contributions to high-resolution direction
finding and radar signal processing
Weisheng Zhao
for contributions to spintronic integrated circuit
2019 Ieee fellow commIttee roster
Stefano Galli (Chair)
William Emery (Life Fellow)
Leda Lunardi (Vice Chair)
Prasad Enjeti
Pamela Ann Abshire (Members)
Pablo Estevez
David Allstot (Life Fellow)
Djalma Falcao (Life Fellow)
Nirwan Ansari
Lawrence Hall
Alessandro Astolfi
Hideto Hidaka
Piero Bonissone (Life Fellow)
Joseph Hughes
Gerard Capolino
Hamid Jafarkhani
Babu Chalamala
David Jiles (Life Fellow)
Kent Choquette
Innocent Kamwa
Mariesa Crow
Mark Karol
Serge Demidenko
James Knighten (Life Fellow)
Ferial El-Hawary (Life Fellow)
Sy-Yen Kuo
Ali Emadi
Hideo Kuwahara (Life Fellow)
Wei-Jen Lee
Morris Sloman
Diana Marculescu
Akihiko Sugiyama
Subhasish Mitra
Joos Vandewalle (Life Fellow)
John Norgard (Life Fellow)
Xianbin Wang
Dalma Novak
Peter Willett
Douglas O'Shaughnessy
Philip Winston (Life Fellow)
Erdal Panayirci (Life Fellow)
Min Wu
Bozenna Pasik-Duncan (Life Fellow)
Aylin Yener
Louie Powell (Life Fellow)
Daniel Zeng
Nalini Ratha
Weihua Zhuang
Sachin Sapatnekar
Gianluca Setti
Joseph E. Silva
Adam Skorek
35 | 2019 IEEE awards bookLET
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2019
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Awards Booklet - 2019
Table of Contents
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IEEE Awards Booklet - 2019 - Cover2
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IEEE Awards Booklet - 2019 - 2
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2019 - 3
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2019 - 4
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2019 - Table of Contents
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