IEEE Awards Booklet - 2020 - 22


IEEE Internet Award
Sponsored by the IEEE Internet Award Fund

Stephen L. Casner and Eve M. Schooler

For distinguished leadership in developing standards for Internet multimedia, and
formative contributions to the design of Internet multimedia protocols

The vision and leadership of Stephen L. Casner and Eve M.
Schooler in developing multimedia standards and protocols for
the Internet have driven the success of IP-based telephony, video
streaming, and multimedia conferencing we take for granted today.
Casner contributed to the first specification and implementation
of packet voice on the Internet (the Network Voice Protocol).
He later led the Audio/Video Transport (AVT) Working Group
of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and coauthored
the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP). Schooler played a key
role in the development and implementation of early multimedia
signaling protocols. She also cofounded the IETF's Multiparty
Multimedia Session Control (MMUSIC) Working Group. Under
her leadership, this group developed some of the most influential
multimedia signaling standards, including the Session Initiation

Protocol (SIP), of which she is a coauthor; the Session Description Protocol (SDP); and the Real-Time Streaming Protocol
(RTSP). RTP and SIP provide the foundation for media transport and signaling in many real-time multimedia applications and
services. Casner's and Schooler's work on early prototype systems
was instrumental in demonstrating the feasibility of packet audio
and video, multicast teleconferencing and radio, IPTV, and even
distributed music performance across the Internet.
Casner is a Fellow (retired) of Packet Design, Santa Clara, CA,
An IEEE Senior Member, Schooler is a principal engineer and
director of Emerging IoT Networks with Intel, Santa Clara, CA,

IEEE Richard Harold Kaufmann Award

IEEE Joseph F. Keithley Award in Instrumentation and

Sponsored by the IEEE Industry Applications Society

Sponsored by Keithley Instruments, a Tektronix Co., and the IEEE Instrumentation and
Measurement Society

Kouki Matsuse

Dario Petri

For pioneering contributions to the
advancement of sensorless vector control
of AC drives and multilevel inverters for
industrial applications

For contributions to measurement
fundamentals and signal processing
techniques in instrumentation and

Advancing the state of the art in sensorless control of alternatingcurrent motor drives and multilevel converters, the pioneering
work of Kouki Matsuse has enabled high-performance and highefficiency drive systems for industry applications. In the area of
sensorless control, which provides advantages including low cost,
increased reliability, and less maintenance, he proposed a method
using signal injection to simultaneously identify motor speed and
rotor resistance now widely used in industrial drive systems. He
also developed an adaptive observer for regenerating-mode, lowspeed operation of sensorless induction motor drives. Regarding
multilevel inverters, he developed five-level converters to overcome voltage imbalances, achieve unity power factors, and generate nearly sinusoidal input currents. This work plays a role in
regenerating electric power back to the power grid.
An IEEE Life Fellow, Matsuse is an Emeritus Professor with
Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan.

Dario Petri has made our world more accurate with pioneering
digital signal processing (DSP) measurement techniques and by
redefining the concept of soft measurements critical today where
"everything" is measured. Petri developed several widely used DSP
techniques suitable for real-time implementation in low-cost embedded systems. One of his methods for analog-to-digital converter
dynamic testing and performance is referenced in the IEEE Standard 1057-1994 (Standard for Digitizing Waveform Recorders). His
frequency-domain-based algorithms for real-time synchrophasors
are playing an important role in tackling hard measurement problems in smart power grids. Regarding soft measurements (customer
satisfaction, quality of service), Petri has developed a three-stage
hierarchical model to support the identification and evaluation of
measurement uncertainty sources for more reliable results.
An IEEE Fellow, Petri is a full professor with the Department
of Industrial Engineering at the University of Trento,Trento, Italy.



IEEE Awards Booklet - 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Awards Booklet - 2020

Table of Contents
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2020 - Cover1
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2020 - Cover2
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IEEE Awards Booklet - 2020 - Table of Contents
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