IEEE Awards Booklet - 2023 - 10

IEEE Haraden Pratt Award
Sponsored by the IEEE Foundation
IEEE Richard M. Emberson Award
Sponsored by the IEEE Technical
Activities Board
Marko Delimar
W. Ross Stone
For inspired vision and steadfast leadership
in improving global IEEE infl uence,
member engagement, and governance
Marko Delimar has been a driving force in improving and
extending IEEE influence, member engagement, and governance
across the globe. In particular, he has lifted IEEE's visibility and
bolstered its impact in Europe, making contributions that have
built a stronger IEEE on the continent and shaped technology
policy decisions by the European Union. As the inaugural Chair
of the IEEE European Public Policy Committee, Delimar led the
development of the public policy initiative focused on Europe,
which strengthened IEEE's position in public policy discussions
and increased IEEE's visibility within different policy communities.
The concepts he helped create have even permeated
major EU policies, including the EU's 2050 Climate Strategy. In
addition to his work in public policy, Delimar co-created the successful
IEEEXtreme Program Contest, which has become IEEE's
leading competition, bringing together thousands of students
from around the world for a 24-hour event. IEEEXtreme 16.0,
has had global participation of nearly 15,000 participants from
65 countries representing 676 Student Branches. As the IEEE
Secretary and Chair of the Governance Committee, Delimar introduced
new education and training programs for Directors-Elect
and new officers, improving the efficiency of IEEE governance
and the effectiveness of IEEE volunteers. He has also served on
IEEE-level ad-hoc committees bringing innovation and modernization
to the organization and technology community. His
efforts have made IEEE more nimble and better able to adapt
to changing environments. Perhaps most important, Delimar has
supported and promoted the IEEE Young Professionals program.
His contributions across the breadth of IEEE have truly changed
the fabric of the organization.
An IEEE Senior Member and HKN member, Delimar is a
professor at the University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering
and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia.
For sustained contributions to and
impactful leadership in the IEEE Technical
Activities publication enterprise
W. Ross Stone has had a long, diverse, and accomplished career
in engineering. He's been involved in 16 different startups and
has made key contributions to the field of cellular and wireless
communications. However, it is his work with IEEE publications
for which he is best known in the engineering community. Stone
has held leadership positions with the Technical Activities Board
(TAB) for more than 40 years, and in that time has transformed
the way the TAB Periodicals Committee (PerCom) operates. The
result: more efficient, informative, and useful publications for all
IEEE members. Stone has created many programs to revitalize the
operations of IEEE publications and developed strategic plans for
their future. He has improved the process for proposing new publications,
brought automation to the periodical-review process,
and developed necessary procedures for revitalizing or terminating
publications in distress. Overall, he has built a tremendously
successful publication program that includes substantial financial
savings for IEEE. As chair of the TAB Periodicals Committee,
Stone reorganized PerCom's operations through ad hoc committees.
All PerCom members were members of at least two of the
15 ad hoc committees Stone established to further the publication
goals of IEEE. These committees met often and resulted in real
advances in TA publications objectives, including the development
of new evaluation metrics, a mentoring program for publications,
and long-term strategies in the areas of open access and open
science. The Accelerated Partnership for Chinese Publications that
Stone recently helped to initiate is potentially one of the most
significant IEEE publication programs in a generation. Extending
PerCom's interaction outside of TAB to other IEEE boards
has significantly improved the planning and future strategies of
publications across the IEEE. While he's known for his rigor and
results-oriented approach, those who work with Stone never fail
to describe him as a gentleman. He's invariably polite, open to
discussion, and handles any disagreements sensitively and respectfully.
Stone has a kind word for every collaborator and displays an
unwavering sense of humor in the most complicated situations.
An IEEE Life Fellow and HKN member, Stone is the president
of Stoneware Limited, San Diego, California, USA.
Scope: For outstanding volunteer service to the IEEE.
Scope: For distinguished service advancing the technical objectives
of the IEEE.

IEEE Awards Booklet - 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Awards Booklet - 2023

Table of Contents
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2023 - Cover1
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2023 - Cover2
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2023 - 1
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IEEE Awards Booklet - 2023 - 7
IEEE Awards Booklet - 2023 - Table of Contents
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