IEEE Awards Booklet - 2023 - 19

IEEE/RSE James Clerk Maxwell Medal
Sponsored by ARM Ltd.
IEEE Simon Ramo Medal
Sponsored by Northrop Grumman Corporation
Mau-Chung Frank Chang
Azad M. Madni
For contributions to heterojunction device
technology and CMOS System-onChip
realizations with unprecedented
reconfi gurability and bandwidth
Frank Chang pioneered the field of modern high-speed electronics.
It was he and his UCLA students who first realized (sub)-mm-Wave
systems-on-chip for SWaP (size, weight, and power)-efficient radio, radar,
interconnect, imager, and spectrometers for both commercial and
spaceborne systems with transformative mechanisms and methodologies-this
exceptional achievement has ushered in the age of modern
high-speed electronics across digital and analog domains. His work
is seminal not only from an academic point of view but has also had
a profound impact on our global economy and society. In the early
1990s, Chang and his research partners at Rockwell Science Center
developed the world's first high-volume manufacturing process for
MOCVD based GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs). This
was a major advance that opened the way for the mass-market introduction
of cellphones with adequate battery life in a small form factor.
Chang even extended this process to cost-effectively integrate HBTs
and field-effect transistors (FETs) by sharing a common epi-layer
structure (i.e. GaAs BiFETs), which reduced power amplifier's supply
voltage by one-third, largely cut cellphones' power consumption and
extended its talk time. Most cellphones in the world today incorporate
descendants of the original GaAs technology developed by Chang's
Rockwell team. Upon joining UCLA in 1997, Chang expanded
his research to (sub)-mm-Wave (Terahertz) circuit and systems,
with focuses on system's re-configurability and broad/multi-band
signaling capability. His invented digital controlled artificial dielectric
(DiCAD) is the first proven " digital-to-permittivity converter " and
is now widely used by circuit designs in resonators, filters, inductors,
transformers, and phase/amplitude shifters. Chang is the key individual
who enabled the HBT productization and subsequently made
ultra-high-frequency and high-speed CMOS system-on-chip (SoC)
a reality. Although the original concept of heterojunction devices was
proposed by Herb Kroemer in the 1950s, it was Chang who possessed
the technical insight and leadership to innovate breakthroughs and,
ultimately, realized the possibility to connect individuals using 2G-5G
mobile communications. Chang is among those rare people whose
contributions have forever changed the world.
An IEEE Life Fellow, and HKN Eminent Member, Chang is
the Wintek Chair in Electrical Engineering and distinguished
professor, University of California, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Scope: For groundbreaking contributions that have had an
exceptional impact on the development of electronics and electrical
engineering or related fields.
For pioneering contributions to modelbased
systems engineering, education, and
industrial impact using interdisciplinary
Military training devices and simulators were once expensive,
unengaging, and arduous to build. Azad M. Madni changed all that.
By applying a transdisciplinary human-centered systems engineering
approach, he created an entirely new family of low-cost, individual
and team training simulators. His innovations-now widely
emulated-have led to dramatically more engaging and affordable
training, including the networking of training devices to deliver vital
collective-training opportunities such as training of infantry troops
in concert with units that give them air support. To accomplish all
this, Madni had to ensure that inexpensive commercial processors
could handle the computational load of training simulators. To do
so, he employed approximate-modeling and innovative selective
fidelity techniques such as matching the level of fidelity of each
aspect of the simulation to the needs of the training scenarios. He
used intelligent agents to represent opposing and friendly forces, thus
reducing manning requirements and further minimizing cost. To
make training more engaging and yet realistic enough, he combined
video-game technology with AI and traditional simulation
approaches. It is difficult to overstate the value of his contributions
to military readiness, given that most military training devices are
now built following the path that he pioneered. The impact of his
innovations extends far beyond the military realm. For example,
decision-aiding technology has influenced
development of conversational agents employed in smart phones.
His simulation environments have been adapted to train hazardous
tasks such as explosive ordnance disposal and hazardous-material
recovery. Indeed, his modeling and simulation contributions are
applicable to many significant global challenges. Madni is also the
recipient of engineering education's highest honor, the National
Academy of Engineering's 2023 Gordon Prize for Innovation in
Engineering and Technology Education. In keeping with his philanthropic
bent, he donated the Gordon Prize money to NAE and
USC for pursuing advances in transdisciplinary systems engineering.
An IEEE Life Fellow, Madni is Univ. Professor of Astronautical
Eng., Northrop Grumman Foundation Fred O'Green Chair in
Eng., Executive Director of the Systems Architecting and Eng.
Program, and faculty affi liate of the Ginsburg Institute of Biomedical
Therapeutics, University of Southern California, USA.
Scope: For exceptional achievement in systems engineering and
systems science.

IEEE Awards Booklet - 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Awards Booklet - 2023

Table of Contents
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IEEE Awards Booklet - 2023 - Table of Contents
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