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IEEE Masaru Ibuka Consumer Technology Award
Sponsored by Masura Ibuka Consumer Technology Award Fund
Ken Sakamura
For leadership in creating open and
free operating systems for embedded
computers used in consumer electronics
Ken Sakamura started the TRON Project at the University of
Tokyo after he recognized that the microprocessor would be
integral to the infrastructure of the future society. He has led
the project since its founding and has designed and produced a
series of real-time operating systems (TRON RTOS) that are
used in billions of devices today. The TRON RTOS family has
always been open and free, an approach that has proven novel
and powerful. Today, RTOS based on TRON specifications are
used across the consumer electronics industry and beyond, from
engine controls on automobiles to satellites, mobile phones and
game consoles.
An IEEE Life Fellow, Sakamura is currently Dean of the
Faculty at Toyo University, a professor emeritus at the University
of Tokyo, and the director of the independent YRP Ubiquitous
Networking Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan.
IEEE Richard Harold Kaufmann Award
Sponsored by the IEEE Industry Applications Society
Ewald F. Fuchs
For contributions to power quality
in power system operation, electric
machines, renewable energy, and
The fundamental contributions made by Ewald F. Fuchs to power
systems are enjoyed today by people around the world. Three and
half decades ago, a considerable amount of power electronics-based
loads began emerging in power systems, which caused powerquality
issues that the industry could not fully understand. Fuchs
and his team's groundbreaking work enabled utilities to solve it.
Early on, Fuchs also investigated the automatic paralleling of two
power systems. The approaches he developed are now required
for the combined or separate operation of main and microgrids to
ensure reliable power operation especially when snow, ice storms,
or floods paralyze the power system.
An IEEE Life Fellow, Fuchs is a professor emeritus of electrical,
computer, and energy engineering, at the University of Colorado
at Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
IEEE Gustav Robert Kirchhoff Award
Sponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
Yoshisuke Ueda
For the discovery of chaotic phenomena
in electronic circuits and for contributions
to the development of nonlinear
Yoshisuke Ueda has made fundamental and sustained contributions
to the field of chaotic phenomena. He was the first
to show experimental evidence that chaotic phenomena were
possible in electronic circuits - calling his discovery a " brokenegg "
attractor. In the decades that followed, research activity
on the theory and application of chaos flourished and brought
significant breakthroughs to areas of communication and
cryptography. Recent studies of neural networks are based on
nonlinear coupled circuits, where the existence of chaos is one of
the most important features of their functional capabilities. The
phase portrait diagram, bifurcation diagram, and spectral analysis
of chaotic time series presented by Ueda are valuable guidelines
for engineering applications of the mechanisms and properties of
chaotic phenomena.
Ueda is a professor emeritus at Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications
Sponsored by NEC Corporation
Ion Stoica
For contributions to the design of cloud
and computer network services
Ion Stoica has made seminal contributions to computer networking
and cloud computing, in four core areas: internet QoS
(his development of SCORE and HFSC); distributed hash tables
(i3 and Chord); data processing (Spark and BDAS), and large case
machine learning systems (Ray). In all four areas, he provided
breakthroughs that have been widely adopted in the communications
and computer industries. He co-founded companies
that have had a major impact on today's technology including:
Conviva, online video services); Databricks and Anyscale, both
commercialize Apache Spark and Ray open-source framework
developed inside UC Berkeley labs that were co-led by Stoica.
An IEEE Senior Member, Stoica is a Professor in the Computer
Science Division, Xu Bao Chancellor Chair at University of
California, Berkeley, California, USA.

IEEE Awards Booklet - 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Awards Booklet - 2023

Table of Contents
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