This award is presented to IEEE-HKN Chapters in recognition of excellence in their Chapter administration and programs. Service to the community and others is an expectation of IEEE-HKN Chapters. Recipients are selected on the basis of their annual Chapter report. Winning Chapter reports showcase their Chapter's activities in an individualized manner and provide multiple views and instances of their work, which really brings their Chapter's activities to life. Of critical concern to the Outstanding Chapter Awards evaluation committee in judging a Chapter are activities to: improve professional development; raise instructional and institutional standards; encourage scholarship and creativity; provide a public service; and generally further the established goals of IEEE-HKN. The awards will be presented at a special reception held on19 March 2018, in conjunction with the Annual Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Heads Association (ECEDHA) meeting; in Monterrey, California. At the Awards Dinner immediately following the reception, the 2017 Alton B. Zerby and Carl T. Koerner Outstanding Student Award will be presented to Katelyn Brinker of the IEEE-HKN Gamma Theta Chapter at Missouri University of Science & Technology, and James Smith of the IEEE-HKN Xi Chapter at Auburn University. Calling all IEEE-HKN Student Leaders and Members! Registration is now open 2018 IEEE-HKN Student Leadership Conference (SLC) 13-15 April 2018 University of Florida Gainsville, USA The SLC is a great opportunity to network with other members & chapter officers, faculty advisers and IEEE-HKN's Board of Governors along with great professional development and leadership training sessions. For session information and to register visit: HKN.ORG 39 http://www.HKN.ORG