The Bridge - Issue 1, 2023 - 29

Chapter News
HKN Chapters Foster Collaboration
Throughout 2022, HKN Chapters around the world
planned events with other IEEE groups and with each
other, demonstrating the value and importance of
working together. Here are some ways they did it.
To honor Eta Kappa Nu's Founders Day, the Mu Kappa
Chapter at the University of Queensland and the Mu
Alpha Chapter at UCSI University - Kuala Lumpur
came together for a virtual social gathering. Members
of both Chapters showcased their keynote Chapter
events of the past year in order to share ideas and
celebrate each other's achievements. Socialization and
online games, such as Skribbl, followed.
This inter-Chapter connection stemmed from unique
circumstances. A Mu Alpha Chapter officer transferred
to the University of Queensland and became involved
with the Mu Kappa Chapter there, while keeping in
touch with her Chapter of induction in Kuala Lumpur.
This bridged the gap between two HKN Chapters that
are over three-thousand miles apart.
Amtul Shaafi Hanaa, a Mu Alpha Chapter member,
reflects on the event: " It was a fun experience...
Such collaborations tend to be good learning
experiences and can let us form better connections
with other Chapters. We get to know more through
their sharing sessions and learn from them about
how they conduct their Chapter. It is especially useful
for networking, as we meet new people through
such events. Inter-Chapter collaborations thus prove
beneficial for students. It also helps instill the spirit to
do better for our future and conduct better activities.
It also serves as a means of encouragement to each
other as we honor each other's achievements. "
The Mu Xi Chapter at the Indian Institute of Science
(IISC) - Bangalore exemplified collaboration with its
Membership Outreach Program. Members of the
Mu Xi Chapter partnered with the sixteen other IEEE
groups represented on their campus to welcome new
university students. Presenters at the event, including
faculty/advisors, alumni, and industry leaders, came
together to educate students about the different
IEEE technical societies and groups such as, IEEE
Women in Engineering (WIE), IEEE Communications
Society (ComSoc), IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Signal
Processing Society, and others. Each group spoke
about what it does and how IISC students can get
involved. Over 50 participants attended the event, and
many expressed interest in the Mu Xi Chapter.
Derick, an event attendee, shared that he would have
never known about the work of any of these groups
otherwise. " I also learned about the work IEEE does
to help the community, like... outreach to school kids
for STEM... This program helped me understand the
various activities of IEEE and the support and help the
organization provides to students like me. "
Mu Alpha Zoom Event
Mu Xi 2022 Membership Event
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The Bridge - Issue 1, 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Bridge - Issue 1, 2023

The Bridge - Issue 1, 2023 - Cover1
The Bridge - Issue 1, 2023 - Cover2
The Bridge - Issue 1, 2023 - Contents
The Bridge - Issue 1, 2023 - 4
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The Bridge - Issue 1, 2023 - Cover3
The Bridge - Issue 1, 2023 - Cover4