The Bridge - Issue 2, 2023 - 37
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languages and software engineering were progressing,
and it was super important to keep up and stay
current. This is why I am such a fan of the IEEE and the
IEEE Computer Society. The IEEE has been crucial to
my career success. I started my career when personal
computing was just beginning. Look at the power of
computing now - just think of all the computing power
in the cell phones that we carry around. The changes
have been dramatic.
In what direction do you think the engineering and
other IEEE fields of interest are headed in the next
10 years?
I am not sure, but to think about possible advances in
the areas of green energy, if I were starting out right
now, I would probably enter that field.
What is the most important lesson you have
learned during your time in the field?
The most important lesson for me has been to keep
current. Technology is always advancing, and working in
these fields, it is critical to keep up. Understanding the
latest advances, so that you can apply them for yourself
or your employer is critical to individual success.
What advice can you offer recent graduates
entering the field?
Pay attention to your soft skills. There is a joke, 'How
can you tell if an engineer is an extrovert?'... 'They look
at your shoes when they are speaking to you'. Most
programmers and engineers are introverts, preferring
to focus on their 'inner worlds'. Interpersonal soft skills
are important because they help us develop and
foster strong working relationships; they contribute
to increasing team and organizational productivity;
and they are particularly important when working
in fast-paced or constantly changing technical work
Recent data I found backs this up: 72% of CEOs
believe that soft skills are more important to the
success of their business than hard skills; 94% of
recruiters believe that soft skills outweigh experience;
and 94% of recruiting professionals believe that
an employee with stronger soft skills has a better
chance of promotion to a leadership position (than
an employee with more years of experience but with
weaker soft skills).
This is where graduates should leverage IEEE and
HKN. I can tell you without question that the technical
information, leadership experience, and mentorship I
gained through my volunteer activities with IEEE placed
Kathy Land with Jim Conrad (2022 HKN President) at SLC 2019
me in front of my work colleagues. I was promoted
earlier, got better assignments, and got better raises.
It is that simple. Employers recognize when you bring
the excellence of IEEE and HKN into their organization.
I would encourage recent graduates to stay engaged
with IEEE. Sometimes it is hard to find opportunities for
engagement. The IEEE Young Professionals launched
a web portal last year to help with these connections.
Visit the site at to explore and find
an opportunity where you might connect.
What is your favorite Eta Kappa Nu memory?
I have had the privilege to attend the HKN Leadership
Conference a couple of times. These are my favorite
memories. The promise of the next generation is
incredibly inspiring.
Why do you support IEEE-HKN?
I support HKN because of its mission and purpose.
This is somewhat more broad than what was
originally conceived. HKN's mission has grown from
the original mission of helping engineering graduates
find employment and gain footholds in their careers
to the addition of assisting its members throughout
their lives in becoming better professionals as well as
better citizens. I am proud to be a member of IEEE
and HKN. As a member of HKN, I am inspired when I
see this purpose put into action by the peer advising,
exam prep, mentoring and tutoring programs, and
programming activities at each one of the over 250
HKN chapters across the globe.
What are the greatest opportunities for IEEE-HKN
over the next three years?
I think the greatest opportunities for IEEE-HKN
remain in the areas of scholarship and leadership
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2023
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Bridge - Issue 2, 2023
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2023 - Cover1
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2023 - Cover2
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2023 - Contents
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2023 - 4
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2023 - 5
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2023 - 6
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2023 - 7
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The Bridge - Issue 2, 2023 - Cover3
The Bridge - Issue 2, 2023 - Cover4