James Webb Telescope Issue - 6

Board News
Dr. Jason Hui Appointed Editor-in-Chief
Dr. Jason K. Hui has
been appointed as the
2023 Editor-in-Chief
for THE BRIDGE, the
official publication of
IEEE-HKN, by PresidentElect
Veeraraghavan. He will
lead the Editorial Board
for the magazine, which is a standing committee of
the Society. He is currently a member of the Editorial
Board and the IEEE-HKN Regions 1-2 Governor. Dr.
Hui was inducted as a professional member of HKN
by the Epsilon Delta Chapter at Tufts University. He
is Senior Manager, Systems Engineering at Textron
Systems and received his Ph.D. from the University of
California, Los Angeles.
Dr. Hui has served widely as a volunteer, including
Chair of the IEEE New Hampshire Section, Area Chair
of IEEE Region 1, and board member of the IEEE
Technology and Engineering Management Society.
In addition to IEEE involvement, he is an Associate
Fellow of AIAA, Project Management Professional
(PMP)® certified, and Electrical Engineering Program
Evaluator for ABET. He has extensive publication
experience as a member of the " IEEE Spectrum "
Editorial Advisory Board, an Associate Editor of
the " IEEE Engineering Management Review, "
and previously a member of the AIAA
Publications Committee.
A Note of Sincere Thanks from
It is with the utmost gratitude that the IEEE-HKN
Board of Governors and the Editorial Board of THE
BRIDGE thank and commend Dr. Steve E. Watkins,
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
at Missouri University of Science and Technology
(MS&T), and Dr. Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani, Associate
Professor and Distance Learning Coordinator for
Computer Engineering at MS&T, for their years
of dedicated service to THE BRIDGE, IEEE-HKN's
award-winning, premiere publication. Both will
resign from their positions as co-Editors-in-Chief at
the end of this year.
Dr. Watkins, 2018 President of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu,
served as Editor-in-Chief from 2013 to 2017 and
as co-Editor-in-Chief from 2020 to present. Dr.
Sedigh Sarvestani served as co-Editor-in-Chief from
2018 to present.
Their contributions to THE BRIDGE are
immeasurable. Their dedication inspired the rest
of the Editorial Board, Guest Editors, contributors,
and staff to strive for excellence. The results are
apparent in the nine consecutive APEX Awards for
Publication Excellence the magazine received since
2013. The IEEE-HKN community is grateful that
they answered the call to lead and wish them well
as they each open a new chapter. Thank you, Steve
and Sahra!

James Webb Telescope Issue

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of James Webb Telescope Issue

James Webb Telescope Issue - Cover1
James Webb Telescope Issue - Cover2
James Webb Telescope Issue - Contents
James Webb Telescope Issue - 4
James Webb Telescope Issue - 5
James Webb Telescope Issue - 6
James Webb Telescope Issue - 7
James Webb Telescope Issue - 8
James Webb Telescope Issue - 9
James Webb Telescope Issue - 10
James Webb Telescope Issue - 11
James Webb Telescope Issue - 12
James Webb Telescope Issue - 13
James Webb Telescope Issue - 14
James Webb Telescope Issue - 15
James Webb Telescope Issue - 16
James Webb Telescope Issue - 17
James Webb Telescope Issue - 18
James Webb Telescope Issue - 19
James Webb Telescope Issue - 20
James Webb Telescope Issue - 21
James Webb Telescope Issue - 22
James Webb Telescope Issue - 23
James Webb Telescope Issue - 24
James Webb Telescope Issue - 25
James Webb Telescope Issue - 26
James Webb Telescope Issue - 27
James Webb Telescope Issue - 28
James Webb Telescope Issue - 29
James Webb Telescope Issue - 30
James Webb Telescope Issue - 31
James Webb Telescope Issue - 32
James Webb Telescope Issue - 33
James Webb Telescope Issue - 34
James Webb Telescope Issue - 35
James Webb Telescope Issue - 36
James Webb Telescope Issue - 37
James Webb Telescope Issue - 38
James Webb Telescope Issue - Cover3
James Webb Telescope Issue - Cover4