James Webb Telescope Issue - Cover3

reductions at gas stations, and a lessened need for mechanics
(electric cars with fewer moving parts need fewer repairs).
Roman also raises questions about public policy. Adopting
electric cars varies greatly around the nation, the author notes,
due to varying incentives offered by state governments.
Electric Vehicle Classroom Activities Book-Volume 2:
Fascinating Electric Vehicle Activities " is available to IEEE
members for free at IEEE-USA's online shop. Non-members
pay US$2.99. Don't miss this opportunity to complete the
series for your reference libraries! Get it here.
E-Book for Members Offers Educators
Electric Vehicle Exploration Activities for
the Classroom
In Volume 1 of IEEE-USA E-Books' new
series, The Electric Vehicle Classroom
Activities Book-Volume 1: Electric Vehicle
Basics, Harry T. Roman provides teachers
with discussion ideas surrounding the
history of electric cars. Roman explores three
areas: the operation of electric cars, electric
car batteries, and electric car charging. This
book provides a starting point for drafting lesson plans to help
ground students in one of the most important innovations
taking place in today's marketplace.
In the book's introduction, Roman notes: " All technologies
have pros and cons, and electric vehicle technology is no
different. It is my hope this small volume will stimulate
informative exchanges among our future leaders.
Members: Get your free e-book from IEEE-USA here.
No promo code necessary!
New Audiobook Explores Understanding
the Engineering Gender Gap
IEEE-USA has published a new audiobook:
Free to Choose STEM: Data and
Reflections on Girls and STEM Careers.
Author Pamela Cosman draws on her
personal experience as a female engineer,
as well as numerous studies and articles, to
examine why a gap remains between the
number of women and the number of men
entering engineering. It raises questions about how we raise
our children and influence their decisions to enter (or avoid)
STEM careers.
Cosman outlines many reasons we should encourage more
of our daughters to go into engineering, including that those
employed as engineers have exceptionally high levels of career
satisfaction, as well as steady and high-paying opportunities.
IEEE-USA's new Free to Choose STEM: Data and Reflections
on Girls and STEM Careers audiobook is available free here.
New Audiobook Offers Guide to
Excite Teachers, Students about
Electrical Engineering
IEEE-USA has released a new audio edition
of veteran engineer and educator Harry T.
Roman's Electrical Engineering Activities
for Use in the Classroom. The audiobook
guides teachers through exercises and
activities they can use to introduce
students to and excite them about
electrical engineering.
Roman notes that in 1905 only five engineering fields
(electrical, mechanical, chemical, civil and industrial) existed.
Today, we have more than 100, ranging from aeronautical and
ceramic to aerospace and solar. So, there is much material to
cover! The author suggests starting with students developing
their own definition for electrical engineering, and exploring
how engineers solve problems, what processes they use, and
how these processes vary among the engineering fields.
You can download this audiobook here. The companion
e-book is also available at no charge to members.
New Audiobook Discusses the Value
of R&D
In his new IEEE-USA audiobook, Do Your
R&D, author Harry T. Roman makes it clear
he believes in the value of R&D, and that
all too often, it falls victim to aggressive
accountants or short-sighted leaders. He is
also clear about who he believes corporate
R&D should emulate: Thomas Edison.
Roman presents the seven-step systematic innovation process
Edison pioneered: Identify a problem worth solving; evaluate
market needs; identify constraints and challenges; test
potential solutions; validate invention; market the invention
(now a product); and develop and improve the product.
Download the new audiobook in MP3 format, here.
The companion e-book is also available at no charge
to members.
Georgia C. Stelluto is IEEE-USA's Publishing Manager, Editor and
Manager of IEEE-USA E-Books and Audiobooks, Department Editor
of @IEEEUSA for IEEE-USA's flagship publication, " Insight, " and
Co-Editor for IEEE-USA Conference Brief.
https://ieeeusa.org/product/electrical-engineering-activities-for-use-in-the-classroom/ https://ieeeusa.org/product/electrical-engineering-activities-for-use-in-the-classroom/ https://ieeeusa.org/product/the-electric-vehicle-classroom-activities-book-vol-2/ https://ieeeusa.org/product/the-electric-vehicle-classroom-activities-book-vol-1/ https://ieeeusa.org/product/the-electric-vehicle-classroom-activities-book-vol-1/ https://ieeeusa.org/product/the-electric-vehicle-classroom-activities-book-vol-1/ https://ieeeusa.org/product/electrical-engineering-activities-for-use-in-the-classroom/ https://ieeeusa.org/product/the-electric-vehicle-classroom-activities-book-vol-1/ https://ieeeusa.org/product/do-your-rd/ https://ieeeusa.org/shop/audiobooks/ https://hkn.ieee.org/

James Webb Telescope Issue

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of James Webb Telescope Issue

James Webb Telescope Issue - Cover1
James Webb Telescope Issue - Cover2
James Webb Telescope Issue - Contents
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James Webb Telescope Issue - Cover3
James Webb Telescope Issue - Cover4