The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - 16

Addressing the Digital Divide and Mitigating the Risk of AI by People-Centered,
Collaborative Digital Regulation
force, paving the way to an AI-supported, people-centered
digitized world that fosters resilient, inclusive,
prosperous societies.
2. Fostering Unity through Dialogic Public Participation
In addressing the current digital and other divides, the
emphasis on a dialogic approach to public participation
emerges as not only crucial but also powerful and
transformative. An ongoing, inclusive dialogue among
stakeholders can form the backbone of collective decisionmaking,
intertwining diverse perspectives to craft policies and
strategies that resonate on multiple levels.
The essence of this participatory ethos, while idealistic in
some aspects, is foundational to the Digital Cross-Sector
Regulatory Sandbox Network and builds on research
conducted by one of the authors,[3]
which documented how
networks of communities and multi-sector players achieved
breakthrough outcomes through structured collaboration. The
network of sandboxes tracking cross-sector impacts, deeply
influences the digital regulatory mechanisms, encompassing
both design and implementation.
Within the contemporary backdrop of swift societal transitions
and escalating complexities, there is an evident and pressing
need for astute public participation in developing and
recognizing insights to shape future regulation. Far from
being a mere process, participation, feedback, and collectively
learning how to improve how to digitize can serve as a
stabilizing anchor in turbulent times. Such active public
engagement fortifies societal bonds, bringing about a renewed
sense of shared responsibility, shared learning, and shared
ownership over policy decisions.
This collective approach inherently boosts public trust and
broad acceptance of policies, which are in effect the best that
we could all come up with together. When structured and
executed with care and precision, public participation acts as
a catalyst for fostering a harmonious and equitable society.
In the broader context, this engagement empowers societies
with the essential skills and cultivates the 'can-do' resilience
needed to tackle challenges, whether they are faced within
small communities, expansive states, diverse regions, or on a
global scale.
3. Applying the Sandbox Concept for Adaptive Digital
Regulation to Evolve Regulation Securely
Originating from software development, the 'sandbox'
concept provides a controlled environment for testing digital
solutions and regulatory frameworks.[4]
This method offers
real-world testing without posing significant risks to the
broader ecosystem. Adopting sandboxes in policymaking is
done to foster agility, adaptability, and innovation, ensuring
regulations remain relevant amidst fast-paced digital changes.
Many countries are exploring regulatory sandboxes.
Since 2000, the World Bank and the International
Telecommunications Union have worked with 12 countries
and are pioneering 5th generation collaboration regulation.[5]
Over 70 countries have launched sandboxes,[6]
14 in Africa.[7]
Example: Singapore's FinTech Regulatory Sandbox
Notably, the Monetary Authority of Singapore launched the
FinTech Regulatory Sandbox in November 2016[8]
insights at the annual Singapore Fintech Festival[9]
, sharing
which in
2022 attracted a global audience of 62,000 from
115 countries.
4. Collaborative, Regionalized Digital Regulatory
Sandbox Networks Addressing Individuals and their
Community's Needs
Operating sandboxes within a sandbox network at national,
multi-country, and global levels creates opportunities for
parallel experimentation. This approach can inspire and
accelerate localized learning, collaboration, and teamwork
while generating data that can materially guide, align, and
harmonize digital regulations, fostering a cohesive digital
regulatory environment.
Regional collaboration allows countries to not only expedite
their learning processes but also share common challenges
and co-create solutions with neighboring states. Such
collaboration enhances the innovation process and increases
the efficacy and pertinence of regulations in both digital and
analog spaces. By fostering a collaborative network, individuals
from different regions facing similar problems can unite in a
continual cycle of experimentation, learning, and refinement
to devise collective solutions.
In software development, sandbox networks like GitHub
and Stack Overflow have received acclaim for their success.
Governmental sectors are beginning to adopt similar models.
For example, the United States Federal Health and Human
Services' Health Resources and Services Administration
(HRSA) serves 30 million people in underserved
communities. Since 1995, a HRSA network of nearly 9,000
US Federally Qualified Health Centers has engaged multisector
stakeholders in thematic " Breakthrough Collaboratives "
using " Plan-Do-Study-Act " improvement methods. Over the
past 27 years, community multi-stakeholder partnerships that
materially address nationwide health challenges and improve
population health have been documented by professors at
Duke University Medical School.[10]
5. Role of Independent Trust Agents for People
and their Organizations
The Digital Cross-Sector Regulatory Sandbox Network
is built on three core values: participation, peoplecenteredness,
and integrity. These principles not only drive
decision-making but also assist in resolving conflicts and
foster relevance and sustainability. Central to upholding
and governing these values is the Independent Trust
Agent (ITA). While the decentralized nature of a network of
sandboxes could lead to disarray, ITAs play a pivotal role in
ensuring structure, integrity, outcomes improvement, and
people-focused conflict resolution in the digital regulatory
framework. Operating as non-governmental organizations,
ITAs serve as bridges, promoting information and data
exchange across the private, public, and social sectors.
They set standards for data sharing, access, analysis,
and aggregation.

The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023

The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - Cover1
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - Cover2
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - Contents
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - 4
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - 5
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - 6
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - 7
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - 8
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - 9
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - 10
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - 11
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - 12
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - 13
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - 14
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - 15
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - 16
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - 17
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The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - Cover3
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - Cover4