The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - 39

Board News
Three Prominent Engineers
Elevated to HKN Eminent Members
IEEE-HKN's Eminent Member Committee is pleased to
announce this year's elevation of Eminent Member status
to three outstanding engineers whose creativity and
scholarship have made great contributions toward the
betterment of humankind: Ming Hsieh, Dr. Frank Chang, and
Dr. Sandra Magnus. Elevation to Eminent Member status is
IEEE-HKN's highest honor. Since it was instituted in 1950,
only 144 people have achieved this honor.
Ming Hsieh was nominated for
his major technical contributions to
biometrics and genetic testing solutions.
He is responsible for inventing a unique
fingerprint modeling technique, the
Programmable Matching Accelerator
(PMA), for high-speed fingerprint
matching, which revolutionized the automated fingerprint
identification system (AFIS) and dramatically reduced its
computational complexity and implementation cost. More
recently, Hsieh has pioneered genetic testing solutions to
provide clinicians with actionable and diagnostic information
they can use to improve the overall quality of personalized
patient care. He founded Fulgent, a pioneer in cancer
research and companion diagnostics, and works closely with
the oncology community on personalized cancer treatments.
Hsieh received his BS'83 and MS'84 in Electrical Engineering
from University of Southern California (USC) and honorary
doctorates from USC, West Virginia University, and the
University of New Haven.
Dr. Frank Chang received this
honor for being responsible for many
breakthroughs in cellular phone
technology including the high linearity
and efficiency of GaAs Heterojunction
Bipolar Transistors (HBT) and BiFET
power amplifiers (PAs) which have
been the most prevalent IC technology to dominate
worldwide cell phone transmitters over the past three
decades. In addition to providing his technology leadership to
the wireless industry, Dr. Chang also established a world-class
high-speed electronics research group at UCLA to educate
the next generation of engineers and lead them to explore
new synthetic terahertz components and circuits. Between
2015 and 2019, Dr. Chang took a four-year leave from UCLA
to serve as the President of National Chiao Tung University in
Taiwan, where he established an international semiconductor
school, implemented a new bio-electronic research center,
inaugurated a bioICT research hospital, etc. to explore the
emerging technology convergence of advanced electrical
engineering with biomedical engineering.
Dr. Sandra H. Magnus, an HKN
Professional Member of Gamma
Theta since 2011, was awarded
Eminent Member status for her
contributions as the Deputy Director
for Engineering within the Office
of the Under Secretary of Defense
for Research and Engineering. She serves as the DoD's
Chief Engineer for Advanced Capabilities. In this role, she
is the lead for engineering policy, practice, and the DoD
engineering workforce, as well as digital engineering and
systems of systems engineering initiatives. She leads
mission integration management, independent technical
risk assessments, and program planning and execution. In
addition, she served as a NASA astronaut (1996-2012),
completing missions STS-112, STS-126, ISS 18, STS-119,
and STS 135 on which she carried the HKN medal for her
Chapter Gamma Theta.
Ming Hsieh and Dr. Frank Chang will be receiving their
awards at HKN's Student Leadership Conference in
November at the University of Houston. Dr. Magnus will be
receiving her award at the IEEE Educational Activities Award
Ceremony in November in Washington, D.C.

The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023

The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - Cover1
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - Cover2
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - Contents
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - 4
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The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - 9
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The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - Cover3
The Bridge - Issue 3, 2023 - Cover4