IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q2 2018 - 1

and Systems


Volume 18, number 2




Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCAS.2017.2770207

Second Quarter 2018

Sung-Mo "Steve" Kang

Oscillation with 4-Lobe Chua Corsage Memristor
Zubaer Ibna Mannan, Changju Yang, and Hyongsuk Kim

In this paper we propose a new first-order generic memristor, namely, a 4-lobe chua corsage memristor, as an extension of the 2-lobe chua corsage memristor. the newly designed corsage memristor
exhibits more complex dynamical routes. one of the most important feature of our new memristor is
its contiguous dc V-I curve. moreover, we exploit the properties of the 4-lobe chua corsage memristor to design an oscillator by connecting the memristor in series with an inductor and a battery.
We investigate the local activity, edge of chaos, and hopf bifurcation phenomena and carry out an
in-depth analysis of the nonlinear dynamics of the oscillation in our oscillator circuit.

Tutorial: Experimental Nonlinear Dynamical Circuit Analysis
of a Ferromagnetic Inductor
Suhas Kumar and R. Stanley Williams

We analyzed ac electrical measurements of a ferromagnetic inductor as a dynamical nonlinear
circuit element and observed a pinched hysteresis loop in the plot of the time derivative of its
current di/dt versus voltage v. using the classifications of chua, we constructed a model of an
ideal voltage-controlled non-linear (-1,0) element to compare with the measured characteristics.
deviations of the ideal model from the experimental data indicated the presence of a second
state variable or parameter, identified as temperature, which depends upon the power dissipated
in the inductor. after installing a normal linear inductor in parallel with the ferromagnetic inductor,
the latter displayed two regions of negative differential inductance accompanied by a significant
decrease in power dissipation, while the former displayed a sharp negative power spike.


Printed in U.S.A.

Singularities of Nonlinear Circuit Theory and Applications:
Achievements of Professor Leon Ong Chua
professor Leon o. chua is globally recognized as a profound founder of modern nonlinear circuit
theory and original researcher. It was my personal fortune to become one of Leon's early graduate
students at the university of california, Berkeley in 1972 soon after his move to uc Berkeley from
purdue university. It is difficult to list Leon's life-long achievements in a limited space. here I will
try to describe a subset that I have had some involvement under Leon's guidance.


IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine (ISSN 1531-636X)
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Second Quarter 2018


About Fingerprints of Chua's Memristors


Exploring the Dynamics of Real-World Memristors
on the Basis of Circuit Theoretic Model Predictions

Dalibor Biolek and Zdeneˇk Biolek

In this paper, we present an analysis of some selected fingerprints of chua's memristors. First, the
memristor is presented not as a concrete nanodevice but, more generally, as a manifestation of
permanent natural principle. next, an overview of the current classification of memristors is given
in the light of various mechanisms of the memristance adjustment by internal state and by terminal
variables. It is shown that only the ideal and ideal generic memristors have their stamps in chua's
table of fundamental elements and in the equivalent storeyed structure. the homothety fingerprint is
discussed in detail, and all existing elements complying with this fingerprint are identified. Finally, it
is argued that the most natural fingerprint of the original memristors introduced by L. chua in 1971
should be sought in the charge-flux coordinates of their constitutive relations.

A. Ascoli, R. Tetzlaff, and S. Menzel

the memristor represents the key circuit element for the development of the constitutive blocks of
future non-volatile memory architectures and neuromorphic systems. however, resistance switching
memories offer a plethora of further opportunities for the electronics of the future. the exploitation
of the peculiar dynamic behavior of resistance switching memories, may allow the development of
new circuits and extend and/or complement the functionalities of state-of-the-art electronic systems.
the derivation of accurate mathematical models for the electrical behavior of real-world memristor nano-devices, and their later circuit- and system-theoretic investigation aimed at drawing a
comprehensive picture of their peculiar nonlinear dynamic behavior under the set of inputs and initial conditions expected of the application of interest are fundamental steps towards their conscious
future use in integrated circuit design.
the present paper adopts a powerful theoretic tool known as Dynamic Route Map to analyze
some of the most reliable physics-based models of real-world resistance switching memories to
reveal how a particular dynamic phenomenon, known as fading memory, and recently discovered
in a tantalum oxide non-volatile memristor device fabricated at hewlett packard Labs, is ubiquitous at nanoscale. the physical mechanisms behind the emergence of history-erase effects in
non-volatile memristor nano-devices is explained thoroughly for both the dc and the ac periodic
excitation scenarios.
Ieee cIrcuItS and SyStemS magazIne


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q2 2018

IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q2 2018 - Cover1
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q2 2018 - Cover2
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q2 2018 - Contents
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