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Dalibor Biolek (M'99, SM'15) received
the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Brno University of Technology,
Czech Republic, in 1983, and the Ph.D.
degree in Electronics from the Military
Academy Brno, Czech Republic, in 1989,
focusing on algorithms of the symbolic and numerical
computer analyses of electronic circuits with a view to
the linear continuous-time and switched filters.
He is currently with the Department of EE, University
of Defence Brno (UDB), and with the Department of Microelectronics, Brno University of Technology (BUT),
Czech Republic. His scientific activity is directed to the
areas of general circuit theory, frequency filters, memsystems, and computer simulation of electronic systems. He has published over 400 papers and is author
of several books on circuit analysis and simulation. At
present, he is professor at BUT and UDB in the field of
Theoretical Electrical Engineering.
Prof. Biolek is a member of the CAS/COM Czech National Group of IEEE. He also serves as an Associate Editor of Electronics Letters.
Zdeneˇ k Biolek was born in Ostrava,
Czech Republic, in 1959. He received the
Ph.D. degree in Electronics and Informatics from Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic, in 2001.
He is currently with the Department
of Microelectronics, Brno University of Technology
(BUT), Czech Republic. Until the year 1993 he worked
as independent researcher in semiconductor company
TESLA Rožnov. He is the author of unique electronic
instruments associated with IC production and testing.
He is also the author of several papers from the area
of the utilization of variational principles in theoretical electrical engineering and stability testing of resistive circuits, and also from the field of memristors and
mem-systems. Dr. Z. Biolek is also the co-author of two
books about memristive systems and PSpice modeling
and simulation of special electronic circuits including
switched-capacitor filters, switched DC-DC converters,
and memristors.
[1] L. O. Chua, Introduction to Nonlinear Network Theory. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1969.
[2] L. O. Chua, "Memristor: The missing circuit element," IEEE Trans.
Circuit Theory, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 507-519, Sept. 1971.
[3] D. B. Strukov, G. S. Snider, D. R. Stewart, and R. S. Williams, "The
missing memristor found," Nature, vol. 453, pp. 80-83, May 2008.
[4] L. O. Chua, "Resistance switching memories are memristors," Appl.
Phys. A, vol. 102, no. 4, pp. 765-783, Mar. 2011.
[5] L. O. Chua and S. M. Kang, "Memristive devices and systems," Proc.
IEEE, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 209-223, Feb. 1976.

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[6] L. O. Chua, "If it's pinched it's a memristor," Semicond. Sci. Technol.,
vol. 29, p. 104001, 2014.
[7] L. O. Chua, "Device modeling via basic nonlinear circuit elements,"
IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. 27, no. 11, pp. 1014-1044, Nov. 1980.
[8] L. Chua and Y.-F. Lam, "A theory of algebraic n-ports," IEEE Trans.
Circuit Theory, vol. CT-20, no. 4, pp. 370-382, July 1973.
[9] R. C. Johnson, "Will memristors prove irresistible?" IEEE Times, no.
1538, pp. 30-34, Aug. 2008.
[10] L. O. Chua, "Nonlinear circuit foundations for nanodevices. Part I:
The four-element torus," Proc. IEEE, vol. 91, no. 11, pp. 1830-1859, Nov.
[11] L. O. Chua, "Memristors," presented at the 1st Memristor and Memristive Systems Symp., Berkeley, CA, Nov. 21, 2008.
[12] D. Biolek, Z. Biolek, and V. Biolková, "Pinched hysteretic loops of
ideal memristors, memcapacitors and meminductors must be 'selfcrossing," Electron. Lett., vol. 47, no. 25, pp. 1385-1387, Dec. 2011.
[13] L. O. Chua, "The fourth element," Proc. IEEE, vol. 100, no. 6, pp.
1920-1927, June 2012.
[14] L. O. Chua, "Hodgkin-Huxley, memristor and the edge of chaos,"
presented at the 3rd Memristor and Memristive Symposium and Conference, Turin, Italy, Aug. 28, 2012.
[15] D. Biolek, Z. Biolek, V. Biolková, and Z. Kolka, "Some fingerprints of
ideal memristors," in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems, Beijing,
China, May 19-23, 2013, pp. 201-204.
[16] Z. Biolek, D. Biolek, and V. Biolková, "Specification of one classical fingerprint of ideal memristor," Microelectron. J., vol. 46, no. 4, pp.
298-300, Apr. 2015.
[17] Z. Biolek, D. Biolek, V. Biolková, and Z. Kolka, "Variation of a classical fingerprint of ideal memristor," Int. J. Circuit Theory Applicat., vol. 44,
no. 5, pp. 1202-1207, July 2015.
[18] Z. Biolek, D. Biolek, V. Biolková, Z. Kolka, A. Ascoli, and R. Tetzlaff,
"Generalized rule of homothety of ideal memristors and their siblings,"
in Proc. European Conf. Circuit Theory and Design, Trondheim, Norway,
Aug. 24-26, 2015, pp. 1-4.
[19] S. P. Adhikari, M. P. Sah, H. Kim, and L. O. Chua, "Three fingerprints
of memristor," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, vol. 60, no. 11, pp. 3008-3021,
Nov. 2013.
[20] H. Kim, M. P. Sah, and S. P. Adhikari, "Pinched hysteresis loops is the
fingerprint of memristive devices," arXiv Preprint, arXiv:1202.2437v2,
[21] N. Joglekar and S. J. Wolf, "The elusive memristor: Properties
of basic electrical circuits," Eur. J. Phys., vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 661-676,
[22] Z. Biolek, D. Biolek, and V. Biolková, "SPICE model of memristor
with nonlinear dopant drift," Radioengineering, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 210-
214, 2009.
[23] J. J. Yang, M. D. Pickett, X. Li, D. A. A. Ohlberg, D. R. Stewart, and R.
S. Williams, "Memristive switching mechanism for metal/oxide/metal
nanodevices," Nature Nanotechnol., vol. 3, pp. 429-433, 2008.
[24] E. Lehtonen and M. Laiho, "CNN using memristors for neighborhood connections," in Proc. Int. Workshop Cellular Nanoscale Networks
and Applications, Berkeley, CA, Feb. 2010, pp. 1-4.
[25] D. Biolek, Z. Biolek, and V. Biolková, "Every nonlinear element
from Chua's table can generate pinched hysteresis loops: Generalised
homothety theorem," Electron. Lett., vol. 52, no. 21, pp. 1744-1746, Oct.
[26] D. Biolek, Z. Biolek, and V. Biolková, "Interpreting area of pinched
memristor hysteresis loop," Electron. Lett., vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 74-75, Jan.
[27] A. J. Van der Schaft, "Representing a nonlinear state space system
as a set of higher-order differential equations in the inputs and outputs," Syst. Control Lett., vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 151-160, 1989.
[28] F. Doyle and M. Henson, "Nonlinear systems theory," in Nonlinear
Process Control, 1st ed. New York: Prentice Hall, 1997.
[29] D. Biolek, Z. Biolek, and V. Biolková, "SPICE modelling of memcapacitor," Electron. Lett., vol. 46, no. 7, pp. 520-522, Apr. 2010.
[30] D. Biolek, Z. Biolek, and V. Biolková, "PSPICE modeling of meminductor," Analog Integr. Circuits Signal Process., vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 129-137,
July 2010.
[31] D. Biolek, J. Bajer, V. Biolková, and Z. Kolka, "Mutators for transforming nonlinear resistor into memristor," in Proc. 20th European Conf.
Circuit Theory and Design, Linkoping, Sweden, 2011, pp. 488-491.




Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q2 2018

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