Table III. Nomenclature List. (Continued) Notation Details G (k total) w H Average weighted overall degree of a directed network L Cardinality of edges in a network, i.e., L =| E | L proj n 46 Link projected graph of a bipartite graph ith node in a network N Cardinality of nodes in a network i.e. N =| V | Nk Number of nodes with degree k N proj Node projected graph of a bipartite graph pk Probability of finding a node with degree k Pi # of people accessing stop i Pa # of people accessing the stops on layer a Pb # of people accessing the stops on layer b PT Total population R The number of bus routes a stop joins Rl Number of routes operating between two nodes S The number of stops in a bus route trij Number of transfers between nodes i and j V Set of nodes in a network vij Average vehicular speed along an edge connecting nodes n i and n j wij Weight of an edge connecting nodes i and j (w i a) Z Weight of a node i on layer a in a zone Z wi Overall weight of a node i m Poisson coefficient a Exponential coefficient c Power law coefficient c in Power law coefficient for in-degree in a directed network c out Power law coefficient for out-degree in a directed network r Assortativity coefficient r ) * i (2) Assortativity coefficient for second neighbors of a node v Small-world parameter ~ New small-world parameter t Pa Density of people accessing stops on layer a in a zone Z t Na Density of stops layer a in a zone Z t Pa t Na f Length difference between the two routes m th Route length divergence threshold cl Transfer count difference p Route transfer count divergence Node occupying probability (NOP) a node ni is interchangeably represented as i in a few sections for brevity. IEEE CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS MAGAZINE FOURTH QUARTER 2019