Feature From Behavioral Design of Memristive Circuits and Systems to Physical Implementations IA.ORG IKIPED ©EN.W ISTOR /MEMR Nima TaheriNejad and David Radakovits Abstract Since Hewlett Packard (HP) announced the passive fabrication of their memristors, various memristive technologies-as a promising emerging technology-have gained ever-increasing attention from the researchers. Although a natural application is using them as memory units, there have been several works in the literature showing their utilization in circuits and systems. While research on various aspects of memristive circuits and systems has been proliferating, the majority of these works are Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCAS.2019.2945209 Date of current version: 19 November 2019 6 IEEE CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS MAGAZINE based on simulations at different levels of modeling abstraction. Simulation is a very helpful design tool, and there have been several efforts in modeling memristors; however, we contend that at this point these simulations represent the reality of the behavior of memristors, especially in a circuit or system set-up, only to a very limited extent. We show how this negatively affects the reproduction of designed circuits and systems in different simulation levels, and more importantly in a real-world set-up with physical implementation. Following that, we look into some considerations which can improve the reproducibility of the circuits and systems to be designed in the future. We conclude the paper by suggesting certain approaches to tackle these practical challenges at device level as well as circuit and system level. 1531-636X/19©2019IEEE FOURTH QUARTER 2019http://EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG/MEMRISTOR