IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q1 2020 - 10

CASS DL Event with Dr. Shanti Pavan "Dissecting Design Choices in Continuous-time Delta-Sigma Converters". From left to right, George Chen (CASSSecretary), Jonathan David (Advisor), Amit Jha (CASS-Vice Chair), Dr. Shanti
Pavan (CASS DL), Robert S. Ogg (Advisor).

CASS Distinguished Lecturer event with Dr. Chris Guo Giun, "Algorithm/Architecture Co-design for Smart Signals and Systems in Cognitive Cloud/Edge."

CASS AI4I Forum Fall 2019. Dr. S. Y. Kung giving a lecture on Xnet.



Internal Neuron's Explainability so as
to fully support DARPA's Explainable
AI (i.e. XAI or AI3.0). This is a superior
approach when compared to Backpropagation (BP), an external learning paradigm, whose supervision is
exclusively accessed via the external
interfacing nodes (i.e. input/output
neurons). The second speaker of the
forum was Pete Warden (Google) who
covered the emerging requirements
of deep learning workloads, including the barriers that are preventing
more widespread deployment on lowenergy systems. The third speaker of
the forum was Ephrem Wu who is a Sr.
Director in the Silicon Architecture division at Xilinx. Ephrem outlined the
performance requirements of FPGAbased neural-network accelerators
and the strategies for meeting those
challenges. The fourth and last speaker of the forum was Jianhui Li who is a
Principal Engineer at Intel. In his talk
Jianhui analyzed deep learning algorithms from compute performance
perspective and discussed how key
software optimizations unleash the
power of AI hardware from the cloud
to the edge. On September 13th, Dr.
Chris Gwo Giun (CASS DL) gave a lecture titled "Algorithm/Architecture
Co-Design for Smart Signals and Systems In Cognitive Cloud/Edge" and
the total attendance was 17. Dr. Chris
Gwo Giun introduced the concept of
concurrent exploration of algorithm
and architecture entitled Algorithm/
Architecture Co-exploration (AAC).
This methodology introduces a paradigm shift in advanced system design
from System-on-a-Chip to Cloud and
Edge as algorithms with high accuracy become exceedingly more complex
and Edge/IoT generated data becomes
increasingly bigger. Dr. Shanti Pavan
(CASS DL) gave a lecture on September 26th "Dissecting Design Choices
in Continuous-time Delta-Sigma Converters" and the total attendance was
40. In his talk, Dr. Pavan gave a survey
of alternatives for the design of power
efficient single-loop continuous-time


IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q1 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q1 2020

IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q1 2020 - Cover1
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q1 2020 - Cover2
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q1 2020 - Contents
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