gave a lecture titled "Flexible Radios and Flexible Networks." In her lecture, Dr. Apsel described various approaches to drive the power down in radio networks that span across circuits and systems while adding flexibility to adapt across protocols and networks and work under changing device technologies. The total attendance was 28. On September 6th, the Aritificial Intelligence for Industry (AI4I) Fall 2019 was held at SC-9 CASS Lecture event with Dr. Waleed Khalil, "VCO Design Challenges and Solutions for mm-Wave Applications." Auditorium, Intel in Santa Clara. This half day sold-out event hosted four speakers and the total attendance as 148. The first speaker of the event was Dr. S. Y. Kung from Princeton University and the title of his lecture was "From Deep Learning to X-Learning: An Internal and Explainable Learning for XA." In his talk, Dr. Kung described an Xnet that is used to simultaneously train the structure and parameters of the net while facilitating CASS AI4I Forum Fall 2019. Pete Warden (Google) receiving a certificate from CASS. CASS AI4I Forum Fall 2019. Jianhui Li (Intel) answering questions from the audience. 8 IEEE CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS MAGAZINE FIRST QUARTER 2020