FOURTH QUARTER 2020 Stim Trigerred Cluster 1 Cluster 2 (b) 10 1 ms Light Pulse (c) ChR2-mCherry mCherry 2à Cluster 3 in Time Window 6à Cluster 1 in Time Window 150 ms Time Window 15 Mean Clusters Overlay DAPI In-situ Sorted AP by the Headstage (Stim Artefacts Removed) Cluster 3 Figure 11. (a) Two reconstructed neural signals along with CL stimulation triggers (in dark blue) and silencing phases (in light blue) acquired with a freely moving mouse expressing a ChR2-mCherry in inhibitory neurons of the prelimbic cortex within two distinct experiments (top), a two signal closeups showing the CL stimulation pulses and evoked silencing phase due to the ChR2-mCherry activation along with the AP sorted live by the Neural DSP chip (bottom), (b) validation experiments, recording/stimulation using a commercial Fi-Wi system where silencing phases are induced, (c) confocal images of the mouse used in the in vivo validation (11 months post infection) showing the ChR2-mCherry expression (red) and the nuclei labeled with DAPI (blue). 100 ms 75 µV Controls In-situ Sorted AP by the Headstage (Stim Artefacts Removed) (a) Doric Lenses Fi-Wi Control Test (Same Animal Than (a)) Evoked Silencing Phase 6à Cluster 1 in Time Window 2à Cluster 2 in Time Window Light Pulse 10 ms 50 µV 150 ms Time Window 10 ms Light Pulse » Two closed-loop experiments at 10 minutes intervals. The same silencing effect is visible after each opto-stimulation. Silencing Phase » Stimulation Pulse » IEEE CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS MAGAZINE 43