60â IEEE CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS MAGAZINE FOURTH QUARTER 2020 1.96â2.46 1.7â2.6 1.7â2.8 0.55â1.10 1.65â2.75 0.9â1.8 1.8â2.7 1.3â1.8 1.4â2.1 1.5â2.5 1.6â2.4 1.6â2.7 1.25â2.3 [22] [23] [24] [25] [30] [31] [32] [34] [36] [39] [44] [50] [53] 2 x 13 W 2 x 13 W 2 x 13 W 2 x 13 W 2 x 13 W 2 x 13 W 2x8W 2 x 45 W 2 x 13 W 2 x 13 W 2 x 13 W 2 x 30 W 2 x 13 W Device 60 51 40 50 40 32.3 40 66.7 50 67 49 41.8 23 B.W. (%) 40â52 46.5â63.5 55â64 >42 60â65 50â53 47.5â54 41.7â58 51â66 40â52 50â55 47â57 40â44 b 52â80 56â75.3 68â76 >55 65â85 60â76 55â60 54.2â73.4 60â77 56â72 57â71 57â66 46â60 b DE. @ 6 dB DE. @ Sat. OBO (%) (%) b Power-Added Efficiency (PAE). aP.U.F is defined as (measured saturation power)/(devices' nominal saturated power). Freq.(GHz) Ref â42.5 â â27.5 â30.1 <â37 - â42 â â28 < â27 â40 â â29.5 â30.2 â â22.5 â31.5 â â25 â32 â â28 â35 â â28 â34 â 27 â31 â â22.5 ACPR @ 6 dB OBO (dBc) Table II. The comparison with state-of-the-art wideband sub-6 GHz Doherty PAs. 6.2â8.5 9.4â13 10â12.5 10.5â14 8.8â10 10â12.2 8.8â13.2 6â14 9.3â11.7 10.2â14.3 12â14 10.2â11.6 10â13.5 Gain @ 6 dB (dB) 43â44.5 43.8â45.2 42.7â43.3 42â44.5 42.8â43.5 42.8â43 40.5â41.4 49.7â51.4 44.5â46.3 42â43.5 44â44.5 44.6â46.3 39.5â41.7 Pout (dBm) 0.77â1.09 0.92â1.27 0.9 0.61â1.08 0.73â0.86 0.73â0.77 0.7â0.86 1.04â1.53 1.08â1.64 0.61â0.86 0.97â1.08 0.48â0.71 0.34â0.57 P.U.F.a 2012 2015 2016 2017 2016 2019 2017 2017 2018 2016 2015 2018 2020 Post-matching Doherty PA-low-order impedance inverters Post-matching Doherty PA- Integrated Compensating Reactance Conventional Doherty PA-Bandwidth enhanced Post-matching Doherty PA-continued mode Post-matching Doherty PA-Multiresonance circuit Post-matching Doherty PA-mutual coupled SHSN Post-matching Doherty PA-modified phase compensation network Post-matching Doherty PA-mixed topology Conventional Doherty PA-Bandwidth enhanced Conventional Doherty PA-Bandpass Auxiliary Transformer Post-matching Doherty PA-Noninfinity peaking impedance Post-matching Doherty PA-Paralleled Right- and Left-Handed Impedance Transformers Year Transformer-less load-modulated architecture Design Technology