IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q3 2021 - 1

and Systems
Volume 21, Number 3
Third Quarter 2021
4 Hardware Security Exploiting Post-CMOS
Devices: Fundamental Device Characteristics,
State-of-the-Art Countermeasures,
Challenges and Roadmap
Aditya Japa, Manoj Kumar Majumder, Subhendu K. Sahoo,
Ramesh Vaddi, and Brajesh Kumar Kaushik
Emerging nanoelectronic semiconductor devices have been quite promising in enhancing
hardware-oriented security and trust. However, implementing hardware security primitives
and methodologies requires large area overhead and power consumption. Furthermore,
emerging new attack models and vulnerabilities are regularly evolving and cannot be
adequately addressed by current CMOS technology. This paper for the first time presents
a comprehensive review of numerous post-CMOS technologies based hardware security
primitives and methodologies, particularly true random number generators, physically
unclonable functions, side-channel analysis countermeasures, and hardware obfuscation
techniques. Various beyond-CMOS device technologies including tunneling FET (TFET),
hybrid phase transition FET (HyperFET), carbon nanotube FET (CNTFET), silicon nanowire
FET (SiNWFET), symmetrical tunneling FET (SymFET), phase-change memory (PCM),
spin-transfer torque magnetic tunnel junction (STT-MTJ), resistive random access memory
(RRAM) have been considered in this study. First, the basic principle of operation and
unusual characteristics of nanoelectronic devices used for hardware security applications
have been extensively discussed. Later, CMOS technology challenges and benefits of
emerging nanotechnologies for the design of hardware security primitives and methodologies
have been reported. Finally, different analyses have been presented to demonstrate
the promising performance of post-CMOS devices over the current CMOS technology in
different countermeasures. Additionally, challenges, future directions, and plans have been
presented to achieve more research outcomes in this field.
31 Compute-in-Memory Chips for Deep Learning:
Recent Trends and Prospects
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine (ISSN 1531-636X)
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Shimeng Yu, Hongwu Jiang, Shanshi Huang, Xiaochen Peng, and Anni Lu
Compute-in-memory (CIM) is a new computing paradigm that addresses the memory-wall
problem in hardware accelerator design for deep learning. The input vector and weight
matrix multiplication, i.e., the multiply-and-accumulate (MAC) operation, could be performed
in the analog domain within memory sub-array, leading to significant improvements
in throughput and energy efficiency. Static random access memory (SRAM) and emerging
non-volatile memories such as resistive random access memory (RRAM) are promising
candidates to store the weights of deep neural network (DNN) models. In this review, firstly
we survey the recent progresses in SRAM and RRAM based CIM macros that have been
demonstrated in silicon. Then we discuss general design challenges of the CIM chips
including analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) bottleneck, variations in analog compute,
and device non-idealities. Next we introduce the DNN+NeuroSim benchmark framework
that is capable of evaluating versatile device technologies for CIM inference and training
performance from software/hardware co-design's perspective. Lastly we present several
future research directions for CIM such as incremental learning, monolithic 3D integration,
reconfigurable design and potential security vulnerabilities.
57 Thermoelectricity: From History to Modernity
Through the CASS Activity
A.S. Korotkov and V.V. Loboda
October 2020 has become remarkable for commemorating the 140th birthday of the
outstanding academician A.F. Ioffe - " the father of Soviet physics. " A.F. Ioffe supervised
the first research projects on semiconductor physics, in particular, thermoelectricity. In this
article, we introduce the great scientific contributions of A.F. Ioffe and several research
projects of the members of the IEEE CAS Chapter, St. Petersburg, based on the results
of Ioffe's scientific group.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCAS.2021.3056249

IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q3 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q3 2021

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