IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q1 2022 - 1

and Systems
Volume 22, Number 1
First Quarter 2022
10 AI-Managed Cognitive Radio Digitizers
José M. de la Rosa
Embedding Artificial Intelligence (AI) in integrated circuits is one of the technology pillars
of the so-called digital transformation. Nowadays, the vast majority of electronic devices
benefits from digital signal processing to implement more and more functionalities, which
can be further enhanced by the action of AI algorithms and artefacts. Moreover, as the
analog/digital interfaces are moving closer and closer to the point where the information
is either acquired or transmitted, the so-called AI-managed data converters are becoming
key building blocks in an increasingly number of interconnected cyberphysical systems-
made up of both software and hardware components. Software Defined Radio (SDR) and
Cognitive Radio (CR) systems intended for 5G/6G communications are good examples
which can benefit from an early digitization managed by AI engines.
In this context, this paper presents an overview of circuits and systems techniques for
AI-managed analog/digital interfaces with application in SDR/CR mobile telecom systems.
Some design trends and challenges are discussed, going from new communications and
computing paradigms for AIoT devices and networks, to digital-based/scaling-friendly analog
circuit techniques for an efficient digitization. The state of the art on Analog-to-Digital Converters
(ADCs) is surveyed, putting emphasis on highly-programmable Sigma-Delta Modulators
(RDMs) as one of the best ADC candidates for SDR/CR transceivers. Some chip examples
are shown to illustrate their potential application in AI-enhanced CR end-devices.
40 Integrated Wideband Chip-Scale RF
Transceivers for Radar Sensing and
UWB Communications: A Survey
Zhongyuan Fang, Wensong Wang, Jipeng Wang, Bingqiang Liu, Kai Tang,
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine (ISSN 1531-636X)
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Liheng Lou, Chun-Huat Heng, Chao Wang, and Yuanjin Zheng
With the rapid development of semiconductor technologies, the wideband transceiver
is in the trend to be integrated on-chip with compact size and low power consumption.
This survey investigates the integrated wideband chip-scale RF transceivers for radar
applications including imaging, multimodal sensing, and recognition on gaits, where
frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar sensors are investigated in detail.
Besides radar sensing, integrated wideband RF transceivers for accurate localization
and efficient communications with spectrum sharing are discussed, in which the integrated
wideband transceiver techniques for ultra-wideband (UWB) communications
are highlighted. The compact and efficient antenna designs for integrated wideband
RF transceivers are discussed. Furthermore, leveraging the artificial intelligence
(AI)-enhanced signal processing techniques, edge devices with energy-efficient integrated
RF transceivers can ensure precise localization and realize versatile sensing to
empower accurate health status monitoring, intelligent robots, gesture recognition, and
enhanced communications. We envisioned the future integrated wideband RF transceiver
development trends, where the promising tera-Hertz (THz) integrated transceiver
techniques are discussed. Notably, the wideband integrated RF transceiver technique
is promising to enable efficient, flexible, and seamless communications and sensing for
the future-generation intelligent Internet of Everything (IoE) applications.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCAS.2022.3142644

IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q1 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q1 2022

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