IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q1 2022 - 3

the Editor
Yiran Chen, Ph.D.
Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine
2022: Normal but Different
he world is reopening, and our lives are slowly
getting back to normal.
In the last month of 2021, I attended my first academic
conference after the pandemic. Hundreds of scholars
and students gathered to present their research,
discuss technical ideas, and exchange information. Although
everyone was wearing a mask, I still saw the joy
and excitement in their eyes: we had been waiting for
such an in-person conference for too long.
The pandemic changed many aspects of our lives in
both negative and positive ways: It created considerable
inconvenience for us to communicate face-to-face while
greatly accelerating the development and deployment of
online learning and virtual conferencing. It hammered the
business related to long-haul travels while stimulating online
shopping and food delivery. To break down the barriers
of physical distance and meet the emotional needs, the
concept of " Metaverse " , which is arguably the hottest technology
in 2021, introduced a new virtual world where everyone
can interact with each other in the same manner as in
physical reality, without any concerns over such nuisances
as the COVID-19 virus. More than ever, people feel the need
to be connected and have gone to great lengths to do so.
Our community has made tremendous efforts in our
own way to keep us connected. Since 2021, IEEE Circuits
and Systems Magazine (CAS-M) have started to regularly
publish news of local chapters of CAS in a new column
named " CAS in the World " , covering extensive topics such
as conferences, seasonal schools, women and young professional
forums, student competitions and webinars and
so on in eleven countries and regions, including Brazil,
Scotland, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panamá, Peru, Turkey, Romania,
Serbia, Montenegro, and Hungary. We hope the
members of IEEE CAS are able to share their exciting stories
during the pandemic in our magazine, and to be updated
about the CAS activities that are happening all over
the world. Please contact our editorial board members
if you are willing to contribute to the " News " column of
IEEE CAS-M. We also launched a new column " Pioneers
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCAS.2022.3142666
Date of current version: 24 February 2022
in CAS " that features the legendary lives of the pioneers
in the history of circuits and systems research. These
include Alexander S. Popov, Sidney Darlington, Bernard
Tellegen, Hendrik Wade Bode, to name a few, who had
laid the foundation of modern circuit and system technologies.
The positive attitude and persistence of these
prominent figures have continued to inspire later generations
of researchers till this day. In this issue, we feature
a story about the pioneering Swedish electronic engineer
Harry Nyquist in the " Pioneers in CAS " column.
Speaking of the current issue, I'd also like to bring to
your attention two feature articles about AI-managed
cognitive radio digitizers and integrated wideband chipscale
RF transceivers, as well as reports about circuits
and systems research and education activities in Hungary
and Israel, respectively. We also publish a recent
interview with Prof. Sanjit Mitra-a legendary scholar
and society leader who has witnessed the growth of the
CAS society in the past sixty years.
In this issue you will also find the complete list of
the 2022 elected IEEE fellows from CAS society. We congratulate
them for the recognition of their exceptional
academic accomplishment and outstanding research. As
the tradition of IEEE CAS-M, the IEEE CAS President will
deliver the " President's Message " to the CAS members in
the first issue of the magazine every year. I want to draw
your attention to the message from the newly elected
IEEE CAS President, Prof. Manuel Delgado-Restituto.
In the Chinese zodiac, 2022 is the Year of the Tiger. Tiger
represents willpower, courage, and personal strength.
Let's build strong willpower to combat COVID-19, and
show our courage and demonstrate our strength by advancing
the circuit and system technologies that can benefit
the health and wealth of humankind at large.
In closing, I'd like to give my warmest wishes to the
members of IEEE CAS and their families for a healthy,
restorative, and productive 2022!

IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q1 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q1 2022

IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q1 2022 - Cover1
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