IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q2 2022 - 1

and Systems
Volume 22, Number 2
Second Quarter 2022
6 A Survey on Neuromorphic Computing:
Models and Hardware
Amar Shrestha, Haowen Fang, Zaidao Mei,
Daniel Patrick Rider, Qing Wu, and Qinru Qiu
The explosion of " big data " applications imposes severe challenges of speed
and scalability on traditional computer systems. As the performance of traditional
Von Neumann machines is greatly hindered by the increasing performance gap
between CPU and memory ( " known as the memory wall " ), neuromorphic computing
systems have gained considerable attention. The biology-plausible computing
paradigm carries out computing by emulating the charging/discharging
process of neuron and synapse potential. The unique spike domain information
encoding enables asynchronous event driven computation and communication,
and hence has the potential for very high energy efficiency. This survey reviews
computing models and hardware platforms of existing neuromorphic computing
systems. Neuron and synapse models are first introduced, followed by the discussion
on how they will affect hardware design. Case studies of several representative
hardware platforms, including their architecture and software ecosystems, are
further presented. Lastly we present several future research directions.
36 The 21st Century Systems: An
Updated Vision of Continuous-Time
Fractional Models
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine (ISSN 1531-636X)
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Manuel Duarte Ortigueira and J. Tenreiro Machado
This paper presents the continuous-time fractional linear systems and their
main properties. Two particular classes of models are introduced: the fractional
autoregressive-moving average type and the tempered linear system. For both
classes, the computations of the impulse response, transfer function, and
frequency response are discussed. It is shown that such systems can have
integer and fractional components. From the integer component we deduce
the stability. The fractional order component is always stable. The initialcondition
problem is analyzed and it is verified that it depends on the structure
of the system. For a correct definition and backward compatibility with classic
systems, suitable fractional derivatives are also introduced. The GrünwaldLetnikov
and Liouville derivatives, as well as the corresponding tempered
versions, are formulated.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCAS.2022.3169854

IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q2 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q2 2022

IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q2 2022 - Cover1
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