IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q3 2022 - 47

instrumentation to biomedical, and research centers as
well. They all have at least one department that requires
electronic engineers devoted to hardware development
and embedded systems8 design in innovative products.
To give an idea how the role of electronics and of
electronic engineers in our society is not fully understood,
not only by public opinion, but also at the highest
decisional levels, it would be enough to mention the
letter that the Semiconductor Industry Association, SIA,
(which includes Intel, IBM, Nvidia, Texas Instruments,
AMD, Analog Devices, etc.) sent U.S. President Joe Biden
on February 11th, 2021 [40]:
" Dear Mr. President,... Semiconductors are critical
to the U.S. economy, American technology leadership,
and our national security. They enable the
technologies needed to realize your Build Back
Better goals, including smarter and safer transportation,
greater broadband access, cleaner energy,
and a more efficient energy grid, while also providing
high-paying jobs for Americans and strengthening
our advanced manufacturing base. During
the pandemic, semiconductor-enabled technologies
have aided researchers in developing life-saving
vaccines and helped Americans work and learn
remotely. Investments in domestic semiconductor
manufacturing and research will allow more of the
components fueling U.S. economic growth, jobs,
and infrastructure to be made here, while simultaneously
enhancing our national security and supply
chain resilience to meet future challenges. ...
We therefore urge you to include in your recovery
and infrastructure plan substantial funding for incentives
for semiconductor manufacturing, in the
form of grants and/or tax credits, and for basic and
applied semiconductor research. "
The letter from the SIA (but there is another one,
very similar, from lobbying groups for the auto, healthcare
and telecommunications sectors [41]) prompts
us to two thoughts. First, focusing on tertiary services
without giving a parallel boost to enabling technologies,
including training highly skilled personnel, can only
lead to unsustainable progress and a future full of dangers,
such as looming chip shortages. Second, if giant
companies like IBM or Intel feel the need to explain the
fundamental function of electronics and semiconductors
to the U.S. President, then public opinion must also
8An embedded system is a combination of hardware and software designed
for a specific function. It has a central computational component
(e.g. a microcontroller) that may be interfaced with internal memory and
input/output components. Hardware is strictly limited to the function in
order to reduce cost, time and tools required for its implementation.
be informed on the professions and opportunities of the
electronics industry, especially families and teenagers
that have to decide for their future working careers.
It is the author's opinion that one of the most important
actions that seems to be missing is an effective, long-term
communication program towards the younger generations
and their families to raise awareness of Electronics.
In fact, to reverse the trend of talent shortage, universities
have been discussing and implementing renewed
teaching programs and learning environments for years,
increasing and improving laboratory activities, creating
information days for high school students, setting up
scholarships, startup ecosystems, etc. Communication
alone is obviously not enough. Many universities have
outdated infrastructure, metrology equipments and research
facilities, which are essential to remain relevant
to semiconductor industry and its state-of-the-art tools.
National program investments in university are therefore
needed to improve infrastructure, to create new
faculty positions and to engage industry researchers in
university activities [43].
Also in line with the above claims, the industry has
come up with new and different programs. Among them:
contacting STEM high school students and exposing
them to the industry; strengthening partnerships and research
and development efforts with universities, business
incubators and accelerators; organizing internships
and summer schools; improving branding programs. In
addition, national/international associations and foundations
have worked to promote electronics through publications9,
video clips, electronic games10, competitions,
by providing greater visibility of female models in the
sector11, etc. But all these operations remained isolated
and were only partially successful.
The job market today is global and requires global
solutions. The time has come to definitely intensify partnership
between governments, universities, industry,
and associations to promote and perhaps pretend the
9 For instance, the author is member of the Italian Society of Electronics
(SIE) which produced a brochure titled " L'elettronica inventa il tuo
futuro " (Electronics invents your future) [42]. The brochure is realized
with the contribution of some important Italian industrial companies
and is intended for use by the SIE affiliated research units of virtually
all Italian universities during the orientation days with high-school
students. In pandemic years, with distance learning, the brochure revealed
quite timely and useful.
10IEEE Volta is an app developed by IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
(SSCS) aiming at educating the general public about the importance
and the history of ICs over the years. Zappy Squirrel is an edutainment
app developed by Juego Studios for the IEEE and designed around the
core idea of the IEEE 1264-2015 standards with methods and designs to
protect electric power supply substations from animal intrusions. Also
UK Electronics Skills Foundation (, with the contribution
of the IET and IEEE CAS has developed several tools.
11The Women's Leadership Council harnesses the leadership of those
women who have risen to the top ranks of the semiconductor industry
to provide inspiration and sponsorship for the next generation of
female leaders.

IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q3 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q3 2022

IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q3 2022 - Cover1
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q3 2022 - Cover2
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q3 2022 - Contents
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IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q3 2022 - 3
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