Feature Simple Derivation of Kirchhoff's Laws and Analogous Laws From Symmetries Hubert Van Belle and Joos P. Vandewalle, Life Fellow, IEEE Abstract Kirchhoff's laws are undoubtedly the best known laws of electricity. Hence, they have been taught and used widely. So, it may come as a surprise to still write a paper about it. However, for reasons of clarity and wide applicability, it is useful to derive Kirchhoff's Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCAS.2022.3214565 Date of current version: 13 January 2023 FOURTH QUARTER 2022 laws with minimal assumptions and using only elementary arguments. This brings some deeper reflections on the role and value of these laws. I. Introduction K irchhoff's laws are mathematical models for connections in the electrical network theory that show a remarkably simple formulation. This paper 1531-636X/23©2023IEEE IEEE CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS MAGAZINE 49 IMAGE LICENSED BY INGRAM PUBLISHING