IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q4 2022 - 80

Society Member News
Member News
EEE CAS Member, Prof. Sanit Mitra (Life Fellow), was
recently elected as a member of the European Academy
of Arts and Sciences. Founded in 1990, the European
Academy of Arts and Sciences is a non-governmental,
European association committed to promoting
scientific and societal progress.
Book Review (continued from page 78)
To support the various points argued in the book,
there are close to two hundred illustrations spread
out in the context of the discourses. I sense that
many of them are rather illuminative and helpful.
The three figures included above are good examples
(Figs. 1-3). Sketches like those can surely make the tedious
technical discussion and philosophical reasoning
less boring, although it might make the book less
professional-looking to some people. One thing that I
do not appreciate much is the lengthy elucidations in
chapter six. Some of them cover too many details and
seem verbose. Specific details of this type are better
left to technical papers which can be referenced to
interested readers.
The author of this book, Liming Xiu, has an unusual
sophistication that leads to this unique book (by the
way, I find that the preface is interesting to read and
helpful for the digestion of the book). He is a scholar in
industry. It is quite uncommon for a circuit design professional
working in industry on well-regulated engineering
problems to have such a deep academic consciousness
on fundamental issues. This scholastic perception, on
top of the battle-hardened industry experience, enables
him to view the semiconductor industry from an idiosyncratic
perspective and create a distinctive book like
this one. I am impressed.
Overall, this is an inspiring book. Its theme is for
advocating an overhaul of microelectronics through
shifting our attention from space to time, to find a constructive
way for continuing the life of Moore's Law
from a split-new direction. It is a message that has not
been received by the community in the past. The
thesis is well supported by the tactics used throughout
the book: learning from history, reasoning through
philosophical contemplation, tooling for materialization
the vision, and demonstrating plausibility
through real cases. This is a book of big vision. It has
something for everyone involved in the semiconductor
industry. I believe that, given time, it will have profound
Daniel Nenni has worked at Silicon Valley,
CA, USA, for the past 40 years with
semiconductor manufacturers, electronic
design automation software, and
semiconductor intellectual property
companies. He is the founder of,
the open forum for semiconductor professionals,
a growing online community of people involved with the
semiconductor design and manufacturing ecosystem.
Since going online January 1, 2011, more than five million
users have been recorded at He is
a blogger, author, speaker, and podcaster with a significant
following on multiple social media platforms. Daniel
is an internationally recognized business development
professional for companies involved with the fabless
semiconductor ecosystem regarding sales and marketing
strategies, funding, mergers, and acquisitions. He is
the co-author and publisher of multiple books, including
" Fabless: The Transformation of the Semiconductor Industry " ,
" Mobile Unleashed: The Origin and Evolution of ARM
Processors in our Devices " , " Prototypical: The Emergence of
Prototyping for SoC Design, " and " Custom SoCs for IoT: The
Emergence of Custom Silicon for IoT Devices. "
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCAS.2022.3214590
Date of current version: 13 January 2023

IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q4 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q4 2022

IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q4 2022 - Cover1
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q4 2022 - Cover2
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q4 2022 - Contents
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