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Dr. Tamar Eilam, IBM, emphasizing the need for sustainability.
pathways to achieve multi-DC sustainability goals incorporating
exogenous factors, natural resources, cooling,
water, energy for IT, and other constraints within a holistic
DC Model. She also emphasized the importance of
explainable AI, and contra-factual analysis with a focus
on capital and operational cost with environmental impacts,
such as, capitalized carbon footprint emissions,
operational carbon footprint, and operational water use.
Dr. Eilam pointed out the need for utilizing renewable
energy, such as solar, wind, wave, etc., energy storage
mediums, software platforms, infrastructure, and water
usage and heat wastage. The key lies in utilizing sustainable
computing by predicting the power consumption,
co-optimization of software/system-based behavior,
and coupling renewable energy.
The Poster Session took place after the keynote talks
the edge. This creates a perfect platform for innovation,
not only at the technology level but in how different skills
and disciplines collaborate. Building frameworks, architectures,
and services can reduce the complexity and
enable businesses to extract actionable insights by processing
data closer to devices, sensors, and other sources.
Red Hat sees this opportunity as an extension of the open
hybrid cloud, bringing capability all the way out to the far
edge...even as far as the International Space Station.
Finally, Dr. Tamar Eilam, IBM Fellow, gave a talk on
" The Road to Sustainable Computing. " She presented
IBM's initiative related to sustainable and responsible
computing. Dr. Eilam described how to design a sustainable
data center. Key important steps include finding
on day 1 of the symposium. Out of 32 posters, the best
posters were awarded from each of the 3 tracks. The list
of winners is given on the symposium website.
The symposium closed with a panel discussion
on sustainability, with five distinguished panelists
including Mr. Robert Muchsel (ADI), Dr. Tamar Eilam
(IBM), Prof. Christopher Hill (MIT), Prof. Prashant
Shenoiy (University of Massachusetts), and Prof.
Aaron Thean (National University of Singapore). Panelists
discussed sustainability at all levels, including
algorithmic and architecture techniques, data center
carbon footprint reduction, product development,
and applications where AI can help. Replays of the entire
two-day symposium are available on the symposium
Organizing Committee
Executive Sponsor-Dr. Mukesh Khare
Sponsors-IEEE CAS and EDS
AoT Sponsor-Dr. John " Boz " Handy Bosma

IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q2 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q2 2023

IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q2 2023 - Cover1
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q2 2023 - Cover2
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine - Q2 2023 - Contents
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