Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 5

Student Branch Chapter available at
your University, why not take the initiative and start it yourself; some guidelines
will be given in the following section.
The 2012 IEEE Student Activities
Subcommittee board compr ises:
Demetrios Eliades, Chair (Cyprus), Ivo
Bukovsky, Vice Chair (Czech Republic), Basak Yüksel, Vice Chair (Japan),
Carlos R.B. Azevedo (Brazil), Huanhuan Chen (UK), Valerie Cross (USA),
Mohamed Elgendi (Singapore), and
Erdal Kayacan (Belgium). In addition,
the following members serve as liaison
with other IEEE CIS Subcommittees:
Sung-Bae Cho (Korea, Student GamesBased Competitions Subcommittee),
Albert Y.S. Lam (USA, Social Media
Subcommittee), Manuel Roveri (Italy,
Conference Travel Grants Administrator) and Heike Sichtig (USA, GOLD
One of the main goals of the IEEE
CIS for 2012 is to promote and enhance
student membership. In this respect, the
objectives of the Student Activities Subcommittee are to increase CIS student
membership and promote the formation
of CIS Student Branch Chapters, to add
value to the student membership by
addressing specific needs of the CIS Student Members (e.g., searching CI-related
jobs), to promote student interaction
with GOLD (Graduates of the Last
Decade) and Industry members, to
establish communication among CIS
Student Members and to promote the
sense of being part of the CI community.
To achieve these goals, we are carrying out a number of tasks: a) promote
the use of Social Networks for networking (e.g., LinkedIn); b) prepare a manual
on how to start and run a CIS Student
Branch Chapter and provide guidelines
on how to take advantage of the available IEEE CIS programs for financial
support, as well as of the learning objects
available online; c) propose the creation
of official CIS-certified tutorials and
workshops which could be organized by
CIS Student Chapters; d) run a T-shirt
design competition to promote CI; e)
run an "Ask the experts" event, for
example to gather student questions on
a journal paper (e.g., through social

Top-5 Reasons to Join IEEE CIS As a Student
1) Travel Grants: Apply for an "IEEE CIS Outstanding Student-Paper Travel Grant,"
which provides financial sponsorship to CIS Student and Graduate Student Members who present papers at IEEE CIS sponsored conferences.
2) Webinars: Have access to all webinars organized by CIS and receive advanced
knowledge on hot topics from CI experts.
3) Summer Schools: Participate in summer schools organized by CIS, and apply for
travel scholarships.
4) Student Research Grants: Apply for financial support for carrying out research
on a research area of interest to CIS (such as neural networks, evolutionary computation, fuzzy systems, hybrid intelligent systems).
5) For Fun!: Participate in CIS-sponsored competitions, e.g., to design a CI-related
T-shirt, to submit a CI research proposal idea or to participate on a photo contest
on Facebook. Promote CI as a volunteer at your local CIS Student Chapter and
participate in organizing events; if there isn't a local CIS Student Chapter, start
one yourself!

searching, the CIS Student Activities
media), aggregate them, and receive
Subcommittee in collaboration with the
answers from the Editors-in-Chief of
Social Media Subcommittee has initiated
the IEEE CIS journal publications.
a new LinkedIn group "IEEE CIS StuIn addition, we are organized togethdents," which will focus on studenter with the GOLD Subcommittee, the
related subjects and discussions. You are
Student/GOLD reception at the WCCI
invited to join the "IEEE CIS Students"
2012 conference in Brisbane, Australia,
subgroup; visit
held on Tuesday, June 12. This was a trefor more details.
mendous opportunity to meet other
What can students do to make the
members, and become more involved in
most out of the "IEEE CIS Student"
IEEE CIS Student Activities. The highLinkedIn group? Here are some ideas:
light of the reception was a "Novel CI
1) Enhance their online CV
Research Idea Pitch" comand provide details on their
petition organized by the
CI-related research. 2) Start
GOLD Subcommittee, in
a discussion or a poll on any
which teams composed of
topic related to CI research,
GOLD and/or Student
as well as discuss the proMembers had 3 minutes to
motion of CI to  students,
deliver an "elevator pitch" of
on publishing in  CIS jourtheir ideas in front of a
nals or for CI research in
judging committee and Scan this QR code to
connect to the new
general. 3) Through the
their peers.
LinkedIn group "IEEE
"Advanced Search" feature,
CIS Students."
Using LinkedIn to
members of the group can
Enhance Membership Value
search for other CIS members based on
The IEEE CIS is, first and foremost, a
their Location and School. This can be
Society of people who are connected
useful when planning an event through
with their passion about using naturethe "Regional Ambassador Program," or
inspired methods to solve the most comwhen searching for speakers. Members
plex problems available. For this purpose,
can also use this option to search for
it is important to provide the means for
CIS members who are now in the
the CIS student members to network,
industry. 4) Through the "Promotions"
exchange ideas, collaborate and advance
section, members can be informed
research. Moreover, it is vital to provide a
about or post Calls for Papers, Conferbridge between student life and industry.
ences or Journal special issues. 5) The
To facilitate networking, as well as job
"Jobs" section can inform students



Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Computational Intelligence - August 2012

Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - Cover1
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - Cover2
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 1
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 2
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 3
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 4
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 5
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 6
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 7
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 8
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 9
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 10
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 11
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 12
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 13
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 14
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 15
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 16
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 17
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 18
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 19
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 20
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 21
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 22
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 23
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 24
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 25
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 26
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 27
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 28
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 29
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 30
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - 31
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Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - Cover3
Computational Intelligence - August 2012 - Cover4