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The authors at UBRI would like to acknowledge support from
the National Natural Science Foundation of China under
Grants 61175065, 61329302, and 61150110488, the Technological Fund of Anhui Province for Outstanding Youth under
Grant 1108085J16, the Special Financial Grant 201104329
from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, the Chinese
Academy of Sciences (CAS) Fellowship for Young International Scientists 2011Y1GB01, and the European Union 7th
Framework Program under Grant 247619. The second author
would like to acknowledge support from the University of
Newcastle Faculty of Science and Information Technology's
Strategic Initiatives Research Fund (Grant Code 10.31415).
The experiments reported in this paper were executed on the
supercomputing system in the Supercomputing Center of University of Science and Technology of China.

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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Computational Intelligence - August 2014

Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - Cover1
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - Cover2
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 1
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 2
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 3
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 4
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 5
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 6
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 7
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 8
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 9
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 10
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 11
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 12
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 13
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 14
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 15
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 16
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 17
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 18
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 19
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 20
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 21
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 22
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 23
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 24
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 25
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 26
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 27
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 28
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 29
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 30
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 31
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 32
Computational Intelligence - August 2014 - 33
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