Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 9

Modern Industrial Automation Software
Design (John Wiley, 2006; Chinese
Edition, 2008), Evolutionary Robotics:
From Algorithms to Implementations
(World Scientific, 2006), Neural Networks: Computational Models and Applications (Spr inger-Verlag, 2007), and
Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization
in Uncertain Environments: Issues and Algorithms (Springer-Verlag, 2009), co-edited 4 books including Recent Advances
in Simulated Evolution and Learning
(World Scientific, 2004), Evolutionary
Scheduling (Springer-Verlag, 2007), Multiobjective Memetic Algorithms (SpringerVerlag, 2009), and Design and Control of
Intelligent Robotic Systems (SpringerVerlag, 2009).
Dr. Tan has been invited as a Keynote/Plenary speaker for over 40 international conferences in the area of
computational intelligence. He is an
elected member of AdCom for IEEE
Computational Intelligence Society
from 2014-2016. He serves as the General Co-Chair for 2016 IEEE World

Congress on Computational Intelligence to be held in Vancouver, Canada.
He has also served in the international
program committee for over 100 conferences and involved in the organizing
committee for over 50 international
conferences, such as the General CoChair for 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation in Singapore
etc. He has actively served in various
committees of the IEEE Computational
Intelligence Society, such as Conference
Committee, Publication Committee,
Nomination Committee, Awards Committee etc. He was also a Distinguished
Lecturer of the IEEE Computational
Intelligence Society from 2011-2013
and served as the Chair of Evolutionary
Computation Technical Committee
from 2008-2009.
Dr. Tan was the Editor-in-Chief of
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine from 2010-2013. He currently
serves as an Associate Editor/Editorial
Board member of over 20 international
journals, such as IEEE Transactions on

Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on
Computational Intelligence and AI in
Games, Evolutionary Computation (MIT
Press), European Journal of Operational
Research, Journal of Scheduling etc.
Dr. Tan is a Fellow of IEEE. He was
the awardee of Outstanding Early
Career Award from the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society in 2012
for his contributions to evolutionary
computation in multi-objective optimization. He also received the Recognition Award from the International
Network for Engineering Education &
Research (iNEER) in 2008 for his outstanding contributions to engineering
education and research. He was a winner of the NUS Outstanding Educator
Awards in 2004, the Engineering Educator Awards (2002, 2003, 2005, 2014),
the Annual Teaching Excellence Awards
(2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006), the
Honour Roll Awards in 2007, and a
Fellow of the NUS Teaching Academic
from 2009-2012.

James C. Bezdek
IEEE CIS Fellow Committee
Chair, USA

IEEE Fellows-Class of 2014
Hisao Ishibuchi, Osaka Prefecture
University, JAPAN

for contributions to evolutionary multiobjective optimization and fuzzy rule-based classifier design
Hisao Ishibuchi is
currently a Professor at the Department of Computer
Science and Intelligent Systems,
Osaka Prefecture
University, Japan.
After completing his MS studies on
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCI.2014.2307216
Date of publication: 11 April 2014

precision mechanics in Kyoto University in 1987, he joined Prof. Hideo
Tanaka's research group as a Research
Assistant at the Department of Industrial Engineering, Osaka Prefecture
University, where he started his studies
on computational intelligence. Since
then, he has been with Osaka Prefecture University for more than 25 years.
In the early 1990s, he proposed a
heuristic fuzzy rule generation method
for pattern classification problems. Then
he combined a genetic algorithm with
the rule generation method to select a
small number of fuzzy rules with high
classification ability. He generalized this
approach to multi-objective genetic rule
selection in the 1990s, which was the

first study on multi-objective genetic
fuzzy systems (MOGFS). In the 1990s,
he proposed multi-objective genetic
local search, which was the first multiobjective memetic algorithm (MOMA).
In the 2000s, he examined various issues
in the design of MOMA such as localglobal search balance, choice of local
search solutions and early termination of
local search. He also proposed multiobjective fuzzy genetics-based machine
learning in the 2000s. He received a
Best Paper Award from GECCO 2004,
HIS-NCEI 2006, FUZZ-IEEE 2009,
WAC 2010, SCIS & ISIS 2010 and
FUZZ-IEEE 2011. He also received a
JSPS Prize from Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science in 2007.

may 2014 | IEEE ComputatIonal IntEllIgEnCE magazInE



Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Computational Intelligence - May 2014

Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - Cover1
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - Cover2
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 1
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 2
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 3
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 4
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 5
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 6
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 7
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 8
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 9
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 10
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 11
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 12
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 13
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 14
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 15
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 16
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 17
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 18
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 19
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 20
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 21
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 22
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 23
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 24
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 25
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 26
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 27
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 28
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 29
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 30
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 31
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 32
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 33
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 34
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 35
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 36
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 37
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 38
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 39
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 40
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 41
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 42
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 43
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 44
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 45
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 46
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 47
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 48
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 49
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 50
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 51
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 52
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 53
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 54
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 55
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 56
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 57
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 58
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 59
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 60
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 61
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 62
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 63
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 64
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 65
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 66
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 67
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 68
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 69
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 70
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 71
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - 72
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - Cover3
Computational Intelligence - May 2014 - Cover4