Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 16

Decision Suppor t
Systems at the Institute of Computing
Science, Poznan University of Technology (http://idss.cs.put
.html). Since 2002 he is also Professor at
the Systems Research Institute of the
Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.
Full Member of the Polish Academy of
Sciences (PAS), elected president of the
Poznan´ Branch of the PAS for the terms
2011-2014 and 2015-2018, chairman of
the Committee on Informatics of the
PAS for the term 2016-2019, and member of Academia Europaea.
He has made fundamental and lasting
contributions to the field of Computational Intelligence, developing innovative techniques of intelligent decision
support, including multiple criteria
decision aiding, multiobjective optimization, preference modeling and
knowledge-based decision support. In
particular, he proposed with his collaborators some new paradigms of scientific
decision analysis, such as dominancebased rough set theory, robust ordinal
regression, and constructive preference
learning, which opened new ways of
research and applications. He advised
26 Ph.D. theses in Operations Research
and Computer Science.
Recipient of the EURO Gold Medal
(1991), and Doctor Honoris Causa of
Polytechnic Faculty of Mons (2000),
University Paris Dauphine (2001) and
Technical University of Crete (2008). In
1997 he was given the Edgeworth-Pareto Award by International Society on
Multiple Criteria Decision Making, and
in 2005 he received the Annual Prize of
the Foundation for Polish Science-
regarded as the highest scientific honor
awarded in Poland.
Since 1999, he is Coordinating Editor of the European Journal of Operational Research, a premier journal in
Operations Research. In years 1998-
2003, he was editor of Decision Analysis Section of the Journal on Fuzzy Sets
and Systems. He is coordinator of the
EURO Working Group on Multiple
Criteria Decision Aiding, and Past


President of the International Rough
Set Society.
Alice E. Smith
Auburn University, USA
For contributions to computational intelligence for complex systems.
Alice E. Smith is the
Joe W. Forehand/
Accenture Distinguished Professor of
the Industr ial and
Systems Engineering
Department with a
joint appointment with the Department
of Computer Science and Software
Engineering. Previously, she was on the
faculty of the University of Pittsburgh,
which she joined after industrial experience with Southwestern Bell Corporation. She has degrees from Rice
University, Saint Louis University and
Missouri University of Science and
Technology. Dr. Smith's research focus is
analysis, modeling and optimization of
complex systems with emphasis on
computation inspired by natural systems.
She holds one U.S. patent and several
international patents and has authored
more than 200 publications which have
garnered over 2,600 citations and an H
Index of 24 (ISI Web of Science) and
over 8,600 citations and an H Index of
42 (Google Scholar). Several of her
papers are among the most highly cited
in their respective journals including the
most cited paper of Reliability Engineering & System Safety and the 2nd most
cited paper of IEEE Transactions on Reliability. Dr. Smith has been a principal
investigator on over $7.5 million of
sponsored research with funding by
NASA, U.S. Department of Defense,
Missile Defense Agency, National Security Agency, NIST, U.S. Department of
Transportation, Lockheed Martin, and
U.S. National Science Foundation, from
which she has been awarded 16 grants.
International research collaborations
have been sponsored by 14 countries. In
2013 she was a Fulbright Senior Scholar
in Turkey, in 2016 was a Fulbright Specialist at EAFIT in Colombia, and in
2017 will be a Senior Fulbright Fellow
at Pontifical Catholic University of

IEEE ComputatIonal IntEllIgEnCE magazInE | maY 2017

Valparaíso, Chile. Her service to IEEE
includes General Chair of IEEE CEC
2011, CIS Ad Com member (2013present), CIS ECTC Chair (2016-17)
and Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation and
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science
and Engineering.
Vicenç Torra
University of Skövde, SWEDEN
For contributions to fuzzy sets, decision
under uncertainty, and data privacy.
Vicenç Torra (Ph.D.
1994 from U. Politècnica de Catalunya) is
a professor at the
School of Informatics,
U. of Skövde (Sweden). He has been
Associate Research Professor at the
Artificial Intelligence Research Institute
(IIIA-CSIC), and Associate Professor at
the U. Rovira i Virgili. He has been a
few times visiting research fellow at the
laboratory of Prof. Sadaaki Miyamoto at
the University of Tsukuba ( Japan). He
is EurAI Fellow Class 2010 and ISI
elected member.
He has contributed in the areas of
fuzzy sets and decision under uncertainty. He defined in the late 1990s the
WOWA operator for numerical data
aggregation, and has made contributions
to the topics of fuzzy measures and integrals. He introduced with Y. Narukawa
m-dimensional distorted probabilities.
He has also contributed to data privacy. He did the first empirical comparison of data protection methods for
categorical data. He compared methods
with respect to their information loss
and disclosure risk. He has studied
extensively reidentification as a tool for
disclosure risk assessment.
He is author of 5 books. They are the
books titled "Modeling Decisions" (with
Y. Narukawa, Springer, 2007), "Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence" (in
Catalan, UOC Press, 2007), "From the
Abacus to the digital revolution" (available in 6 languages, RBA, 2010), "The
mathematics go to the ballot box"
(available in 2 languages, RBA, 2014),
"Scala: from a functional programming


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Computational Intelligence - May 2017

Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - Cover1
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - Cover2
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 1
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 2
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 3
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 4
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 5
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 6
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 7
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 8
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 9
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 10
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 11
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 12
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 13
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 14
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 15
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 16
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 17
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 18
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 19
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 20
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 21
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 22
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 23
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 24
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 25
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 26
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 27
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 28
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 29
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 30
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 31
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 32
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 33
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 34
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 35
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 36
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 37
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 38
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 39
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 40
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 41
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 42
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 43
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 44
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 45
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 46
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 47
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 48
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 49
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 50
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 51
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 52
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 53
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 54
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 55
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 56
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 57
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 58
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 59
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 60
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 61
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 62
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 63
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 64
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 65
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 66
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 67
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 68
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 69
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 70
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 71
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - 72
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - Cover3
Computational Intelligence - May 2017 - Cover4