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applied to mobile network optimization. The simplest way to
apply classification systems for performance prediction is to discretize the numerical values used into categories that are meaningful to the application at hand. For example, user data rates
could be discretized based on the bandwidth requirements of
commonly used applications (e.g., video codecs). Often predicting performance in terms of such larger categories is more
robust compared to regression for point estimates [45]. However,
we are not aware of much especially empirical research of the
effectiveness of such methods in applications discussed here.
VII. Conclusions

In this paper, we discussed the application of machine learning
techniques for performance prediction problems in wireless networks. We studied the performance of existing machine learning algorithms for these problems and proposed a simple
categorization of main problem types between spatial, temporal
and multidimensional prediction tasks. Using an extensive realworld drive test data set, we showed that classical machine
learning methods such as Gaussian process regression, exponential smoothing of time series, and random forests can yield very
good prediction results for drive test data. We also discussed the
key challenges for future work, especially with the focus of
practical deployment of machine learning techniques for performance prediction in mobile wireless networks. We are currently working toward integrating prototype implementations
of the proposed mechanism as a part of our radio environment
map work [46].

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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2018

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IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2018 - Cover2
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine - February 2018 - Contents
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